Bringing the Power of Business Analytics to Canadian Libraries

2min read


“In God we trust. All others must bring data.”
– W. Edwards Deming, famed statistician, professor, author

Every day, businesses across Canada use sophisticated data analytics to understand, predict, and gain insight into their customers’ behavior. But why should businesses have all the fun? Libraries have goals and missions to accomplish, and they, too need to understand their customers, er, patrons.

Gale now offers powerful new tools for Canadian libraries that will help them gain deep insight into patrons and improve the day-to-day decision-making and strategic planning. By tapping into your library’s existing data and combining it (in a secure environment) with demographic data using Environics’ PRIZM5 lifestyles profiles,Analytics(分析)On Demand帮助您了解更多关于惠顾,从收入和生活阶段的网上行为和首选社交媒体渠道。

Analytics(分析)On Demandincludes easy-to-use and spatial analytics that give you intelligence to inform your strategic planning. Practical uses for this data include: creating effective outreach campaigns to specific groups or households, refining collections, developing new programs, and measuring performance across all programs.


  • Patron Profiles- 请参阅PRIZM5人口统计数据,如位置,家庭构成,居住的长度,更加符合你的社区的当前库活动。生产生活方式分析了节目哪些类型的顾客的资料库轻松地吸引什么类型的用户可能需要更强的宣传。
  • Collection Intelligence– Combine checkout data with PRIZM5 community data to learn how your community is really using your resources. Understand what materials are being checked out and by whom, when, how often, and more. (Imagine how this can inform your collection development priorities.)
  • 电子书有声书和启示– Blend your vendor reports with PRIZM5 demographic data to find out what genres your high-use patrons are borrowing most in your digital collections.


感兴趣吗?查看一sample report看到丰富的数据资源,现在可到库中。今天看到您的图书馆如何能成为一个数据驱动的机器!



Tina has been a library fan-girl since childhood, when she visited weekly with her family. She can be found many mornings standing outside her hometown library at opening time, waiting to nab a study room.

