

Posted on December 1, 2015



因为大约狄更斯圣诞时间小说已经出现。沃尔特·斯科特先生写的圣诞诗“圣诞节在从前的时间”(1904)和威廉·桑迪斯Christmas颂歌古今(1833) are examples of Christmas titles that pre-date Dickens, but圣诞颂歌狄更斯是一个“新”今天我们所认为的形式的第一个圣诞节的标题中。狄更斯认为,教育对贫困和社会不公的人的最好办法是通过一种情感,动人的圣诞故事,而不是通过政治小册子。他希望人们宽宏大量向彼此,并用“圣诞精神”,使他的观点(1)。

Why are Christmas novels so popular today? We would like to suggest three reasons: religion, stress, and commercialism. First, there are many denominations within Christianity, and many ways to practice the religion, but a common theme in Christianity is the idea of “sharing the good news.” Some denominations put emphasis on testimony, missionary work, and evangelism, and they appreciate reading and sharing the meaning of Christmas through fiction. Some examples of Christmas novels by authors of Christian fiction includeThe Christmas Light由唐娜·万利尔,圣诞节在哈灵顿的通过旋律卡森,和雪花圈由Liz柯蒂斯希格斯。

Let’s be honest, though: some Christmas novels are more secular in nature. Sure, they’re religious by the very definition of Christmas, but they may include more worldly or materialistic themes, or they may use Christmas as a setting more than a theme. Dickens’圣诞颂歌falls into this category, since his message was about human compassion more than the birth of Christ. How about Anne Perry’s Christmas mysteries? They’re equal parts murder and Christmas cheer, and very little Christian testimony. Debbie Macomber is another author of many, many Christmas novels which are set at Christmastime and reflect core Christian values, but which do not preach Christianity or the “reason for the season” to her readers.


最后,还有商业化。Ankar Ghate中写道:美国新闻与世界报道即使作为一个无神论者,“交换礼物作为象征友谊和爱情遗体的乐趣”(2)。他指出,“圣诞节的商业化加强了我们的善意。”送礼的话,让圣诞包容非基督徒。圣诞小说是大卖家。图书做精美的礼物,和圣诞书籍适宜季节。发布在送礼的季节就像任何玩具制造商或服装设计师中的房屋现金。这意味着,作者赚钱太多,使得圣诞小说的写作非常有吸引力。卷毛弗里德曼承认,他写道:圣诞猪去赚钱。“钱,”他说。“这就是为什么我写的。我写的付房租。”(3)。即日起至2015年12月31日,保存从桑代克按大字假期的最爱35%。







Mary is the Youth Services Librarian at the Lyon Township Public Library in South Lyon, MI. She, too, is obsessed with collection quality, and has taken it up a notch with never ending shelf lists, spreadsheets, and inventory. Mary has a special knack for linking books to readers of all ages.

总之玛丽和Holly是作者“使集合计数:一个全面的方法来图书馆藏书管理。”他们还以鸣叫@awfullibbooksand blog atawfullibrarybooks.net



  1. 福布斯,B.(2008年1〜10月)。圣诞: A Candid History加利福尼亚大学出版社
  1. Ghate, o .(2009年12月18日)。重商主义只Adds to Joy of the Holidays. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2009/12/18/commercialism-only-adds-to-joy-of-the-holidays
  1. 小圣诞小说似乎在成长为大的圣诞老人。(不详)。检索二○一五年十一月一十九日,从http://onlineathens.com/stories/121806/living_20061218011.shtml#.Vk49QXarSih
