早期阿拉伯文印刷书籍,从大英图书馆 - 新的科学,历史和地理模块

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Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library继续增长,因为我们推出的下一个模块,Sciences, History and Geography.作为编辑,该模块是一个特别快乐的工作,因为上和广度题材的深度,涵盖了从炼金术到动物学,并含有一些欧洲最早的印刷作品。事实上,在此模块中,这些早期的欧洲印刷的存在表明伊斯兰和欧洲世界之间的思想交流,我想我会看看,如果我可以追踪使用的内容本次交流Sciences, History and Geography

There are of course many subject areas on which both Arabic and European scholars wrote, but I was particularly drawn to the idea of the rainbow. Aristotle is generally accepted to be the first to consider the rainbow and its causes, andSciences, History and Geographycontains a 1495 printing of Aristotle’s ‘Physica’, in which he explains his theory as to how rainbows are formed. Aristotle understood that water and light were involved in the creation of rainbows, but he believed they were formed from the reflection of light off clouds, and he believed the rainbow was made of only three colors, reflected and inverted between two halos:


Aristotle was widely studied by Islamic scholars such as Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sīnā (Latin: Avicenna), ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rušd (Latin: Averroes), Abu Yūsuf Yaʻqūb ibn ʼIsḥāq aṣ-Ṣabbāḥ al-Kindī (Latin: Alkindus) and Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Fārābī (Latin: Alpharabius), andSciences, History and Geography包含这些作者对亚里士多德的许多评论。例如,参见法拉比的“Alpharabii vetustissimi亚里士多德interpretis”, or Ibn Rušd’s commentary on Aristotle’s ‘Meteorologica’, included in the 1495 printing of ‘Physica’ and from which the above diagram of a rainbow was taken.

The scholar who truly led the field in the study of light and optics was Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥaytham (Latin: Alhazen). Influenced by Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, his seminal work was his ‘al-Manāẓir’ or ‘Book of Optics’. Written in 11th century CE, this comprehensive study on how light travels considered the many ways in which light can be reflected and refracted, as depicted in this illustration from ‘Opticæ Thesaurus’, a 1572 translation of his work:


Al-Ḥaytham had a huge influence on both Islamic and European scholars, such as the Polish mathematician Witelo, whose works on optics are included in the 1572 printing of ‘Opticæ Thesaurus’. Below Witelo gives his own theories on the rainbow:


Al-Ḥaytham also had a particular influence on the Persian scholar Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī, who would go on to数学证明如何形成彩虹。

在彩虹阿拉伯语奖学金一直延续到19世纪。例如,这阿拉伯treatiseon rainbows was published in 1864, and Ibrāhīm al-Ḥawrānī included a chapter on rainbows in his work on the wonders of nature,“AL-阿亚特AL-bayyinātFIgharā'ibAL-ARD WA-AL-samawāt”:


The transfer of ideas continued to be bi-directional between East and West throughout the 19th century, as evidenced by Sulaymān ibn ʻAlī Ḥarāʼirī’s阿拉伯语翻译of French treatises on meteorology and physics.

彩虹只是伊斯兰和欧洲学者推论许多科学概念之一,而不是唯一的一个展示思想的交流。有很多方法可以找到通过书面或影响伊斯兰和欧洲学者在更多的作品Sciences, History and Geography。试着寻找“阿维森纳”或“Av的实例erroes’ as the LOC Subject. To find translations of Arabic works into European languages try selecting Arabic as an original language. You can then filter by subject types, authors, or place of publication. This also works vice versa – select Arabic as a language and a different language as the ‘Original Language’ to find works translated into Arabic. I hope the release of Sciences, History and Geography encourages 21st century scholars from across the globe to continue the pattern set by the likes of Ibn Sina and Al-Haytham, especially as our starting point of Aristotle once said – “in all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”.

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