Guest Blog: A school library within a global community

4min read

Klaudia Janek,IB学校图书馆,International Academy, Bloomfield Hills, MI

在国际文凭(IB)学校工作,作为学校的图书管理员,礼物的机会,专注于更具全球性的视角,并有一系列的期望,当涉及到研究和信息素养。What really stands out to me is that research is at the core of the IB curriculum and at the high school level it takes the form of an Extended Essay. What is even more exciting is that the role of the school librarian is clearly written in the Extended Essay Course Guide.

The International Academy in Bloomfield Hills, MI is an authorized IB World School.
The International Academy in Bloomfield Hills, MI is an authorized IB World School.

The Extended Essay is a 4,000 word investigation into an academic area that the student has a personal interest in. The subject the student chooses should be one that the student has taken an IB course in and understands the fundamental methodology of that subject area. The students are then expected to take what they learned in class and apply it to their topic of choice.



The role of the school librarian is critical in this process because the work starts in 9th grade (at the high school level) and continues on through the 12th grade. Students cannot be successful in the Extended Essay without a solid foundation in research basics. Part of the Extended Essay rubric grades “quality of sources.” Students need to demonstrate that they can find monographs, academic journals, magazines, and newspaper articles. It is the school librarian’s job to teach students that research databases provide access to a variety of sources. It will then be up to students to demonstrate they can find a variety of sources for their specific topic. It is also a perfect opportunity to teach students how to use inter-library loan through either their school library or public library.


I also think that a well done Extended Essay makes students realize that there are a variety of perspectives on every imaginable topic. In order to be a good researcher, one has to acknowledge that all these different perspectives exist and make issues complicated. A global citizen needs to be aware of all the different viewpoints before coming up with their own opinion and justifying it. As a teacher and a librarian, I believe this is a life long skill. Knowing that my library has to be prepared for all kinds of research is challenging, but fun. It takes me a long time to do collection development, both print and online, but it’s satisfying to know that my students are going off to college with a solid grasp of academic research.


Klaudia Janek

About the Author

Klaudia Janek
Klaudia是高中图书管理员认证,教历史,并有媒体专家的认可。她曾在IB学校13年,导致官方IB讲习班在IB图书馆和拓展论文。Klaudia运行的IB在线课程和面对面面对面的研讨会。她是LIBRES的一员,从学校图书馆员的角度审查。目前MAME 17的会长,是密歇根协会传媒教育,Klaudia还共同主持了NCA先进学校改进委员会的区域分公司。对于“有趣,”她跑了IA在线图书俱乐部,出版她的学校的文学杂志,并在学校后,库MakerSpaces试验。


10 thoughts on “Guest Blog: A school library within a global community”

  1. Our school is so fortunate to have Klaudia as our teacher-librarian. To have a professional as well-versed as she about research in our school community is a major asset for students and teachers alike especially as the students embark on the Extended Essay process. Additionally, she is a resource for teachers in all types of lesson planning. Her feature speaks to her diverse background , all which support te community.

  2. I am always amazed when I see Klaudia interacting with our students as they work through the process of the Extended Essay. Her rich knowledge of the EE process coupled with her passion to help our students provide an outstanding resource for students who are excited but unsure of their work. After students talk through their ideas with Klaudia, they see the true purpose and value of this research opportunity. Beyond the work for our students, she supports the teachers in our building who serve as EE Mentors. From training PD’s to one-on-one guidance, she covers it all! I am proud and honored to work with Klaudia on a daily basis!

  3. Such a great article, Klaudia! Your students are so lucky to have your expertise and insight as they prepare for the end of high school and look toward their futures in education!

  4. 什么是彻底的和翔实的文章,Klaudia。该IA很幸运有你这样的工作人员。您的见解什么学生真的需要做到这一点本身变得不只是一个一次性的任务要完成,但终身技能深入的研究开发是最令人印象深刻。奖励!

  5. Great job Klaudia! I wish I had an IB Teacher- Librarian leading me like this through academic research back when I was in high school.

  6. 伟大的的描述为什么,为什么s of research. All students should be exposed to this process during their high school “career,” whether in an IB program or not. Unfortunately, for many reasons, this doesn’t happen very often, if at all. I haven’t figured out how you get everything done that you do….is there a clone hiding on the side?

  7. Klaudia makes it crystal clear what is expected of these students at the high school level. It makes my job as a Preschool -3rd Grade PYP Media Specialist (in the same district) easier to know where my students are headed. Klaudia gets it … our students, all students, are global citizens who need to understand different viewpoints.

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