
3min read

By Kathleen Roy, Library Media Center Director,Cretin-Derham Hall High School, St. Paul, MN

Why are we teachers first? Why not school librarians who do it all? Managers-teachers-procurers-developers-organizers-programmers-etc., etc., etc….

Schol-Librarian-Teacher-Full-Size (467x700)是的,我们做了很多不同的东西,穿很多帽子,但是是什么让我们的工作,所以显著 - 在任何学校,任何年级水平 - 是我们的老师;我们应该戴在我们头上的所有其他帽子的顶部那顶帽子。为什么?由于教学专业的合法性,无论是科学和艺术,使我们在厚厚的东西学校做到:塑造年轻人为他们的下一个学术的努力,为他们的职业和生活。金宝搏彩票图书馆员,我们可以说:“这不是我为什么走进图书馆工作,”但如果你是在一所学校没有任何借口 - 教学和学习是中心舞台。

Why identify with this role above all others? The other roles that a school librarian plays are all tied to teaching and learning, but they don’t entail the actual act of teaching. No doubt those roles support teaching and learning; we need to have a collection, buy the materials the school needs, develop relationships with teachers and students, develop programs, organize “stuff” in our libraries, and yes, even handle the tech side of things. But to teach a student how to find information and use it effectively and ethically, to create a project from a well-researched thesis, to discover new information that leads to new learning, that is the heart and soul of teaching. Moreover, a teacher’s job is to arouse curiosity, foster inquiry, help students plow through roadblocks, and give honest, critical feedback in the process. Across disciplines, school librarians learn the curriculum for each department so they can be well versed in what objectives are taught, how courses are sequenced, and what the learner outcomes are in order to best embed information literacy objectives seamlessly into the project goal at hand.



That’s the reason why I get out of bed and come to work each day; collaborative, inquiry-based teaching and learning. When I left the classroom I was committed to continuing to teach and to grow in the profession. As a school librarian my wish has been fulfilled. Now get out and teach!


Klaudia Janek


ibrary Media Center Director
Cretin-Derham Hall High School, St. Paul, MN

