
1min read


By Megan McCarthy

We’ve all heard the saying, “information is power.” That being said, sometimes too much information makes you feel powerless. Take for example, my experience making lasagna. I needed a good recipe for lasagna one night. So, I googled “great lasagna recipes.” I got 247 great lasagna recipe posts. Completely overwhelmed by the amount of information, I quickly closed my computer and ordered pizza. The lasagna would have to wait for another night.

同样是在课堂上如此。学生和教师可以通过目前可用的信息量被完全淹没。寻找成功的正确的平衡可能会非常棘手。如果教师超负荷自己的学生,他们很可能会关闭。如果他们选择了错误的主题或使用错误的内容,学生可以失去兴趣。这就是为什么CLiC(Classroom in Context)在课堂上这样一个有价值的工具。

CLiCprovides a digital-based curriculum that pulls resources from Gale’s在上下文中产品。这提供了教室,支持共同核心和其他民族和国家标准的尖端数字内容。随着各种主题的课程,对准教案,CLiC当前提供内容的教学大纲为教师遵循。而且它专门设计,定制和扩展。因此,教师可以为学生提供只为最佳学习正确的成分。这是成功的秘诀。

[alert-info]Megan McCarthy


Megan is a graduate of the University of Missouri, School of Journalism. She is a fan of both lasagna and pizza, but not cooking.


1 thought on “How to Get and Hold Student’s Attention”

  1. 我同意梅根。孩子们可以在信息过载,很难筛选,真正重要的东西。课程 - 神韵:教案这个想法听起来非常吸引人,更有意义的学生。这将让学生真正优化他们的学习。
