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Gale is happy to announce that its在上下文中family of products will now provide shorter citation and bookmark URL links. What you’ll find is:

  • Shorter URLs that provide users with a direct link to a Gale document or portal page.
  • 用户被直接吸入到单个文档或门户页面而不认证请求。
  • 多引文格式在产品引文工具可用,使其更容易为用户引用他们的研究。
  • EZ代理信息现在显示在引用URL时出现在学校或图书馆大风管理员帐户。金宝搏彩票

Additionally, new and updated content has been released into many of the Gale在上下文中产品。其中一些包括:

简历在上下文增加了新的主页射灯设有民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金;凯瑟琳·约翰逊,前美国航空航天局的科学家和在电影“隐图”描绘的女性之一;金球奖获奖女演员艾玛·斯通;已故的“星球大战”女主角嘉莉费雪;和Lady Gaga,谁是定于在今年的超级碗演出。

Canada In Context增加了聚光灯内容的网页劳拉·塞科德,伊甸园罗宾逊,和Dan希特利,以及二战和药物使用新的加拿大为重点的门户网站,并更新到路易斯里尔,特里福克斯和维米岭门户页面。

Global Issues In Contextnow has homepages that highlight Colombia, Gambia, migrants in Germany, alleged Russian hacking of the U.S. presidential election, and the Taiwanese conflict with China. Additionally, there have been more than 2,300 United Press International images added to the product.


Science In Contexthas spotlights that feature climate change in the Arctic, artificial intelligence, stars, wetlands, and the latest news on the Zika virus. A new featured video shows how the recently launched Osiris-Rex spacecraft will chase asteroid Bennu and bring a sample back to Earth.


U.S. History In Contextfeatures a spotlight video on the Emancipation Proclamation along with home page spotlights on Amelia Earhart, the gangster era, and women’s suffrage.

World History In Contextfeatures a spotlight video on the Battle of Stalingrad along with home page spotlights on the Berlin Wall, Galileo, and Joan of Arc.

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