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AN EXTRAORDINARY UNION作者:Alyssa Cole(9781410497901)。



波莉之书作者:凯西•赫本(9781410497765). From international best-selling author, Hepinstall models her strong-willed, straight talking protagonist on her own mother, a Louisiana native. Willow Havens is ten years old and obsessed with the fear that her 68-year-old mother will die. Her mother, Polly, is a cantankerous, take-no-prisoners Southern woman who lives to chase varmints, drink margaritas, and antagonize the neighbors. “Replete with sparkling vitality and endearing warmth, this novel is for those who enjoy a spirited helping of Southern sass in their stories,” says图书馆期刊.For fans of Rebecca Wells’s雅雅姐妹会的神圣秘密.(Core — 3/8/2017)

ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE作者:盖尔·霍尼曼(9781410499646). 认识埃莉诺·奥列芬特:她与社交技巧、外表抗争,已经成为习惯的产物和孤独的人。她的周末不时会有冰冻披萨、伏特加和妈妈的电话聊天。当埃莉诺遇到雷蒙德时,一切都变了,雷蒙德是她办公室里那个笨手笨脚的IT员。当她和雷蒙德救起摔倒在人行道上的老绅士萨米时,三人建立了深厚的友谊。图书馆期刊霍尼曼说:“霍尼曼的精致,令人心碎,有趣,和不可抗拒的小说给生活带来了一个人物如此原始和音高完美,几乎不可能相信这是一个首次亮相。”Move over Ove — there’s a new curmudgeon to love,“干杯,明星书单复习。(基础5-5/3/2017)

GINNY MOONby Benjamin Ludwig(9781410498205). 金妮月亮是迷人的,令人心碎,辛酸。金妮是一个局外人,试图找到一个属于自己的地方,只是想弄明白一个没有意义的世界。路德维希的小说灵感来自他在特奥会篮球训练中与其他家长的对话。收到三星级评论,“路德维希的出色登场既是一个独特的成年故事和家庭的脆弱性和力量的有力肯定,”宣布一个明星出版者周刊复习。“Grabs readers by the heart and doesn’t let go . . . A triumphant achievement,” agrees a starred Library Journal review. And书单主演的评论称之为“一个令人振奋的和联合国forgettable page-turner about autism, family, and how special-needs children are treated.”对于喜欢The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.(惠勒精装-5/3/2017)

莉莉安黄杨鱼散步作者:凯瑟琳·鲁尼(9781410499660). 这部独立电影《下一个选择》获得了三位主演的评论,它的原型是玛格丽特·菲什巴克,她是一位诗人,也是20世纪30年代收入最高的女性广告文案撰稿人之一。故事发生在1984年的除夕夜,85岁的莉莲·博克斯菲什在曼哈顿漫步,回忆起在美国文化不断变化的背景下的多事之秋。一位主演说:“鲁尼的小说充满了活力、机智和心灵,这部灵活的小说颂扬了漫不经心、创造力、机遇和勇气。”书单审核.图书馆期刊’s starred review said: “Lillian’s needle-sharp observations are astute and her unceasing love for New York City shines through.”For readers who enjoy colorful characters and women breaking down barriers.(核心-5/3/2017)

RABBIT CAKE by Annie Hartnett (9781432838416). Twelve-year-old Elvis Babbitt has a head for the facts: she knows science proves yellow is the happiest color, she knows a healthy male giraffe weighs about 3,000 pounds, and she knows that the naked mole rat is the longest living rodent. She knows she should plan to grieve her mother, who has recently drowned while sleepwalking, for exactly eighteen months. But there are things Elvis doesn’t yet know—like how to keep her sister Lizzie from poisoning herself while sleep-eating or why her father has started wearing her mother’s silk bathrobe around the house. Elvis investigates the strange circumstances of her mother’s death and finds comfort, if not answers, in the people (and animals) of Freedom, Alabama. An Indie Next Pick andPeople推荐商品,出版者周刊的明星评论称之为“一个成功的处女作”,而柯克斯书评called it “charming and beautifully written” in their starred review. Perfect for books clubs, this is an in-house favorite!(同行精选-5/17/2017)

起来吧,本尼迪克特·斯通by Phaedra Patrick(9781410498151).New York Timesbestselling Patrick returns with a novel about family, forgiveness and one man’s second chance at happiness. Business at Benedict Stone’s jewelry shop has dried up and his marriage is on the rocks. His life is in desperate need of a jump start . . . then a surprise arrives at his door in the form of his audacious teen-aged niece who turns his orderly life upside down.出版者周刊称之为“令人愉快”For fans of一个人的朝圣菲克里的传奇人生.(核心-6/7/2017)

THE SEVEN RULES OF ELVIRA CARR弗朗西斯梅纳德(9781432838737). 埃尔维拉·卡尔相信规则,清晰的时间表,没有惊喜,以表面价值来看待人。在27岁的时候,她仍然和她的反对者和专横的母亲生活在一起,而母亲一直让她处于隐居的奴役之中。当她母亲中风时,艾薇拉突然变得孤立无援。她巧妙地想出了七条铁证如山的规则来指导自己的生活。她需要聪明的思考和好奇心来解开家庭的神秘面纱,为自己铺路。梅纳德是一位有学习困难的成人的兼职教师,包括阿斯伯格症和诵读困难症。对于喜欢萝西的计划.(上级-8/16/2017)

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