
3min read


When I was given this topic, I thought, “Oh, please . . . piece of cake.” I started thinking about the types of books that I, because, hey, I’m a mom! Then I realized that, even though I love a good steamy romance (probably more than I should), my 91-year-old mother would be less likely to sit down to “50 Shades of Grey” and probably leans more toward Nora Roberts. She absolutely loved the Boonsboro Trilogy that I got her for Christmas last year. And it was in large print. Even better. Oh, there is some steam there, but it’s toned down to a small kitchen fire, unlike the five alarm, burning inferno that is my usual choice. Hmm . . . this assignment suddenly became harder than I thought.

还有我的一个妹妹谁不喜欢“淫秽”。。。她与判断我的方向,这当然让我把我自己的红色色调的50微微看看常说这一点。我担心,我有“reads raunchy romances” stamped on my forehead and I never talk to her about my literary choices for that reason. She’s older and wiser, and leans more towards a story that she learns from. Hey, I learn from mine, too. I just can’t openly discuss what it is that I learn.

My other sister loves biographies and nonfiction. Also in large print; we offer quite a variety. Then there’s my aunt, the devout Catholic, who leans towards a good clean story that leads the characters towards a spiritual life. Did you know that we published around 50 Amish titles in large print each year within our many Christian standing order plans?

So, for this month’s large print releases, I’d have to say there are many great choices for moms out there of all reading styles.

鬼新娘通过Yangsze Choo的,是在我们的同行精选邮品订购计划特色。它也一直是MTHE鬼新娘pick of Oprah.com, Indie Next List,Library Journal,好的家政服务,魅力杂志书商编者Pick. That’s some pretty heavy credits right there.

The Last Bride,by Beverly Lewis, is book number five and the last book in the Home to Hickory Hollow Series. Beverly Lewis is aNew York Timesand Christian Booksellers Association bestselling author. We guarantee that all titles in any series remain available in large print. (I should buy the set for my aunt; it might help my waning image in her mind. It couldn’t hurt.)

The Sister Season由珍妮弗·斯科特被说成是“诚实的情感和心理上的精明,该大姐季的最终目的是过去的拉动下,需要宽恕,以及令人振奋的故事mSisterSeasonFrontredemptive power of familial love.” — Liza Gyllenhaal. This is available in our Women’s Fiction Standing Order plan.

Sex After . . . Women Share How Intimacy Changes As Life Changes通过虹膜KRASNOW(哦,我肯定得到这个我妹妹。她将有一个小鸟。我会告诉她,她可以在衣柜里阅读。)光圈KRASNOW是另一种New York Timesbestselling author, and let’s face it, this is a subject that all moms should read about, rather we want to talk about it or not. This title is part of our Health, Home and Learning Standing Order plan. This might be one mom wants to buy for herself, but I still thought I’d put it out there.







