Library Data Has Never Looked This Good

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公共图书馆在大风每天激励我们,而我们也一直专注于提供数据驱动的金宝搏彩票方式来帮助他们实现更有效地参与他们的社区。所以,从公共图书馆和其他的开发和概念化,测试的无数个小时,并反馈个月后,我不能更高兴能够宣布释放Gale Engage.

这种新的基于云的解决方案有助于当谈到赞助宣传和参与工作的公共图书馆变得更加高效。Gale Engageis the power of analytics, outreach, and efficiency all in one tool.

Developed in partnership Deziner Software, LLC,Gale Engage提供图书馆活动的跨分支的360度视角,让工作人员能够对数据进行分析,个性化营销推广,并增加参与其社区内。

请问这个资源做呢?通过提供独特的功能,使Gale Engageto stand alone in the marketplace:

  • Data Synthesis—Upload disparate data files from various vendors and system data. Customized scripts take raw data and visually displays cohesive metrics.
  • Customizable Dashboard and Visual Reporting—Ready-to-use visualizations allow users to view trends and key performance indicators to design goals around data, manage reports more efficiently, and make better decisions. The dashboard also aligns circulation to IMLS benchmark data, enabling users to see performance against the greater library field.

  • 赞助人组—Automatic grouping using transaction history as well as custom grouping based on engagement with library services allow for more effective communication.

  • 电子邮件确定目标—Leverage patron groups to either export targeted cardholder lists to an email system or create and send marketing campaigns to patrons using a connection to select email marketing systems, including MailChimp.
  • Social Media Management—Manage multiple library social media accounts for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

  • 隐私权由设计Gale Engageis compliant with relevant field practices and uses end-to-end encryption to protect patron privacy and personally identifiable information.

A big thank you goes out to the library professionals who provided input to help bring this solution to life. We can’t wait to hear from other librarians asGale Engage推出。总之,我们能够满足社区,以及它们是如何生活的多样化需求。了解更多
