麦克米伦跨学科手册:哲学系列is an “Excellent Source”


支持ing the knowledge of philosophy can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be with the麦克米伦跨学科手册:哲学系列Using film, literature, art, case studies, and other disciplines, the handbooks provide illustrations of human experiences to work as gateways to questions philosophers try to address. Composed of ten volumes (available individually) that serve undergraduate college students who have had little or no exposure to philosophy, as well as the curious lay reader, the麦克米伦跨学科手册:哲学Seriesis recommended for undergraduate and public libraries.


哲学: Medical Ethics

“This work aims to provide an overview of the field while primarily discussing fiduciary relationships and ethical challenges related to financial aspects of medical procedures, including payment for surrogacy and eggs, payments to doctors to promote medications, conflicts of interest, and costs related to organ transplants and public health. . . . The introductory essay outlining the history of the development of biomedical ethics is excellent. . . .推荐本科观众。”

—Delilah R. Caldwell



—Barbara M. Bibel


  • 该volumes combine features of an introductory textbook with those of a reference resource to effectively engage and educate the user, possibly encouraging students who might not otherwise consider majoring in philosophy.
  • 这些手册的跨学科性质提供了一种创新的方法来引入领域新手。
  • 电影,文学,艺术,案例研究等学科或情境/事件提供的人类经验,这些作品插图网关问题哲学家试图地址。188金宝搏北京赛车
  • 各个学科可以整合,形成新的研究和独特的地区;其来源和技术可以合并,以满足不断变化的研究需求。
  • 10卷中的每一个在其领域的专家监督;同行评审签署章节是由著名学者撰写。

麦克米伦跨学科手册:哲学Series在GVRL打印或电子书格式提供。Request a demo today >>

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