

由珍妮弗·阿尔伯斯 - 史密斯

When it comes to student and instructor perceptions about academic libraries and research, some interesting insights are revealed – as well as lot of questions.


总体而言,调查显示,学生似乎值库超过教师 - 90%的学生说,图书馆及其资源提供的价值,他们的学术和职业目标与只有80%的导师。金宝搏彩票学生清楚地看到该库的价值,但学生仍70%的人不问他们的校园图书馆员的帮助,课程作业。为什么断开?这是一个问题,大风和我们的许多客户正在试图金宝搏彩票回答并试图改变。我们可以做些什么,以使学生在图书馆更舒服?我们怎样才能使图书馆学生和教师的日常工作流程的一个必要的组成部分?


These stats and more can be found in the infographic here. We encourage you to share these survey results, as well as provide your thoughts on the findings and ideas on how the academic library can be further engrained in student and instructor workflow in the comments section below.



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  1. 如何调查结果进行访问。你的最后一段说:“这些统计数据,更可以在信息图在网上找到这里。”这里在哪里?有没有链接并选择图形只改变它的显示方式。我想研究的数据结果。

  2. “为什么断开?”


    My experience was that University librarians could add value for General Education courses, but were not able to help when the assignments became much tougher. Many of the librarians were students and didn’t have much helpful library knowledge. Even the long-term librarians weren’t much help for a Chemical Engineering major.


    • 詹森先生:充分披露 - 我是一个学术图书管理员。金宝搏彩票我重视您的意见,了解你在说什么。作为“专业教练”或“任务助手”,让学生在技术领域的先进研究馆员比不了多次无效。(唯一的例外是等,其中图书管理员也有他们帮助学生JD或MD或其它专业学位,这确实发生了。情况下),但“专家教练”我们的首要作用是什么?我觉得图书作为“转让助手”(就像是在这个信息图来完成的)市场营销是一个棘手的一个。

      教师显然是为学生寻找与他们的课程作业的具体帮助的头号资源,研究生助理/ TA是紧随其后。我认为,图书馆是一个资源为教师,助教和学生解剖的信息的性质时,使用方法:你在看什么信息,什么情况下是它的,是还有什么在那里,是如何创造了这个信息,这是为什么这一信息优于其他类型的,我们如何评估信息,我们如何获取信息。(But, yes: we can also locate articles and books and obtain them if we don’t own them.) I do understand that all of that information stuff might be a bit philosophical for someone trying to balance a chemical equation, and that’s fine — you don’t always have to engage with those topics.

      但是如果我们认为学生教育整体a way not only to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to obtain a job and be successful in their work, but also as a way to develop their appreciation of knowledge and their thirst for it and their ability to engage in lifelong learning, that’s where I see librarians fitting into the mix. Do some students already have those qualities? Sure. I’ll admit that I was fully invested in my undergraduate and graduate education, but I never once made it a point to see my own subject librarian during my studies (though I did use the generic “ask a librarian” email and chat services on occasions, and I did go into the library a fair amount). But I don’t see that situation as a problem. Librarian assistance (especially with things like information literacy, which is what I was describing in my above list of questions about information), like college itself, is not for 100% of people. But for those who want to explore the nature of information and how it’s created and valued and organized and connected (and, yes: for those who need three, just three, any three articles about Italian Renaissance paintings), I think librarians are a great resource.

  3. 学生清楚地看到该库的价值,但学生仍70%的人不问他们的校园图书馆员的帮助,课程作业。


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