Gale Goes to D.C.: Confederate Conspiracies and Karaoke?

|凯文KOHLS |近日,大风队收拾行装命中华盛金宝搏彩票顿特区道路,为美国图书馆协会(ALA)的年度会议。在全国各地和世界所有汇集图书馆,会议总是在那里的想法是自由共享和协作培养的畅快体验。...Read more


|By Sydney Fairman | CHOICE, a publishing unit at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), named the Women’s Studies Archive: Women’s Issues and Identities as one of their Outstanding Academic Titles of 2018. This year’s Outstanding Academic Title list includes 455 books and digital resources chosen by the CHOICE editorial staff from among …Read more


|通过萨曼莎Boudouris |据农业部美国能源部,超过13万名儿童在美国生活在“食品不安全”的家园。[I]这意味着食物短缺和家庭无法获得足够的食物来保持积极,健康的生活。分享我们的力量,一个非营利性组织,已经着手改变这种情况。...Read more

Libraries Are More Than Safe Spaces


A passion shared by librarians is the belief that libraries should be welcoming, free, and open to all while providing equitable service to their communities. Librarians recognize that these communities are typically made up of smaller, ancillary groups and librarians strive to develop services and collections tailored to meet the special needs of these groups. …Read more


From making access to resources and technology available to all to helping children and adults develop the skills they need to survive and thrive in a global information society, the public library has always been a knowledge hub for communities. That’s why, in 1958, the American Library Association founded National Library Week, a nationally recognized …Read more


|马克·科米尔,产品管理总监|作为万物的长期管家“图书馆,”大风已经看到了几乎每一个进步,中断,支点等在图书馆学,并在过去半个金宝搏彩票世纪的学术研究的发展。金宝搏彩票我一直在大风的时间大约一半金宝搏彩票的量,并通过所学...Read more


#GivingTuesday已成为社会化媒体和协作的力量给人助长了全球的一天。加入世界各地的数万人通过给予慈善事业你相信,我们的图书馆!今年,美国图书馆协会(ALA)和EveryLibrary是匹配您的捐赠,使影响最大的可能。...Read more

Celebrate Banned Books Week

|通过崔西Cothran |在过去的一年给了我们力量的例子不胜枚举的话,既要宣传和误导,记录真实事件和问题,并制造假新闻。188金宝搏北京赛车我们在这里大风欣赏和尊金宝搏彩票重文字的力量和他们的教育,娱乐,使人们的能力...Read more


During LGBTQ Pride Month, we celebrate this community and the impact its members have had on local, national, and international history. Pride is celebrated each June in honor of the Stonewall Uprising, which took place in 1969 in Manhattan. Ever since Pride began as a single-day commemoration in 1970, marches and parades have been part …Read more