Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.—50 Years After His Assassination

| By Deb Kirby | If, like me, the 1960s was your coming-of-age decade, you were witness to and shaped by many history-making events. Some were positive and inspiring, like the moon landing and the enactment of civil rights laws, while others were tragically sad, including the assassinations of President John Kennedy, his brother Bobby …Read more

President John F. Kennedy

Posted on May 23, 2016

By Traci Cothran

发生在肯尼迪的生日5月29日nd while saying the letters “JFK” evokes vivid scenes and images in minds of adults over forty, it doesn’t mean much to kids in school today. They may know he was our 35thPresident, but Camelot, Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, first Catholic President, the Cold War, Jackie O, and JFK’s assassination are likely unknown concepts.

JFK is a broad topic that encompasses many subjects, and here are a few ideas to begin with to get your students (or yourself!) better acquainted with this historic figure:

JFK’s Inauguration

  • “Newsreel of President John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration.” Video.Thought Equity Motion Collections.Research In Context
  • “JFK’s Inaugural Address.”Research In Context

Peace Corps

Introduction of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964

  • “History Features: Civil Rights Bill.” Video.History Features: Civil Rights Bill.Research In Context

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