In Other News: Caitlyn Jenner & Gender Identity

transgender symbol


由Michelle Eickmeyer

When Bruce Jenner sat down with Diane Sawyer, he openly discussed a battle he has been fighting for most of his life. And on 24 April, he let the world in on his secret: Bruce Jenner, American hero athlete and reality pseudo-star, is transgender. Though Jenner is an actual stranger to most of us, many people do feel that they know Bruce. They may have seen him on TV, or on a magazine cover. They may have rooted for him all those years ago as he seemed to embody America’s battle against the USSR. Because of this unique position and circumstance, Jenner’s revelations and transition are special. For the first time, perhaps ever, most of the country (if not the world) can truly say they know someone who identifies as transgender. On ` June, the world said goodbye to Bruce, and hello to Caitlyn Jenner. She is who she has always been, and is now sharing her battle to be herself, and her appearance, with the world.

凯特琳是最近在主流的变性人越来越多了。2007年,坎迪斯·卡恩回头率比利·鲍德温的情妇在ABC的黑金家族11个集,标志着第一次跨字符出现了比黄金时间美国电视剧一集了。查斯·波诺开始了他的转变,2008年,遭受多年与媒体之后。拉文·考克斯,橙色的明星之一是新的黑色,成为出现在时代杂志(2014年5月)对一篇文章,题为封面的第一变性人“的变性引爆点。”安德烈·佩伊奇(Instagram) was the first transgender model to appear in Vogue magazine while Hari Nef (Instagram) signed with modeling agency IMF earlier this year, a first for the powerhouse agency. There are others, famous and not, making changes every day.

Less 1/3 of 1% of the U.S. population identify as transgender (资源). Historically, this group is the recipients of an extremely disproportionate amount of violence, 20% of murders and 40% of violence by police. (资源)最近统计的第一季度2014年表明,暴力犯罪的10%的反式对孩子未满18 Kids.They犯进行殴打,刺伤,投掷石块,拍,挂,勒死,肢解和。(资源)有时陌生人;有时家人。很多时候,他们自杀。

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