
By Kim Martin


员工的创新与机遇法案of 2014,成为2015年7月,识别公共图书馆作为美国就业中心网络的潜在合作伙伴有效并承认库来提供的求职服务,广阔的阵列的能力。增加对职业相关的资源,资金可从行为。此外,新法律承认图书馆在成人教育和扫盲联邦政府援助方案的重要提供商。这些类型的资源可以提高顾客的培训和就业机会。


Encourage Literacy with NaNoWriMo!

Posted on November 5, 2015

I enjoy the act of writing, and I used to write really long essays in college, but I’ve never tackled a major project like writing an entire novel. It seems so daunting. I think I might have trouble staying motivated long enough to really make progress. Luckily for people like me, November brings usNaNoWriMo的(National Novel Writing Month)!

阅读更多Encourage Literacy with NaNoWriMo!



对于求职者来说,图书馆事业的发现,开发和整体援助方面发挥了至关重要的作用。事实上,近四分之一库游客在那里外观或申请工作,根据皮尤研究中心。1。为了进一步巩固图书馆作为就业资源中心的角色,在2014年7月,奥巴马总统签署成为法律Workforce Innovation and Opportunity法案确定公共图书馆作为潜在的合作伙伴of the American Job Center network, and acknowledging libraries’ ability to provide an expansive array of job search services.

职业转换,an online resource from Gale, assists users with career exploration and offers a complete, personalized and guided experience from assessing strengths and interests, to finding new career opportunities, to ultimately completing professional resumes and improving the chances of landing jobs.
