


库continue to be represented in popular media as book repositories, a place for story time, and – in the most progressive TV shows – a place where people use (get this!) real, live电脑

Popular culture hasn’t caught up with the reality of today’s public library, where the mission has transitioned from providing information to delivering outcomes-based learning. Not just information seeking, but engaging in active learning. Gale’s在线教育课程通过支持教育,技能发展,个人致富帮助图书馆影响生活。


驱动电子内容发现和使用:通信 - 第2部分

Posted on September 9, 2015
发布由Jan Snyder和珍妮弗·毛雷尔

Part II

As we wrote inPart Iof this series, we feel privileged to have a very rich collection of Gale databases and eBooks at our fingertips to use with students and staff, at zero cost to us, through the Oregon State Library’s全州数据库许可计划。Statewide access provides consistency for students as they move from elementary to middle school and then high school.

但是,这些资源的真正价值和力量都释放时,图书管理员和教育工作者合作and通信。在这个博客系列的第二部分,我们将讨论 - 从我们自己的观点 - 通信
(如果你错过了,一定要还阅读Part I- 推动电子信息内容发现和使用的:协作。)



阅读更多驱动电子内容发现和使用:通信 - 第2部分


Some 110 school leaders from across the nation attended the National Connected Superintendents on November 20. The event was part of the Obama administration’s 5-year plan, ConnectED, to provide nearly universal high-speed broadband connectivity to schools and libraries. Currently, fewer than 40% of schools have access to high-speed Internet. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan …阅读更多