乔治华盛顿’s Bookshelf and the Founding of the Novel

|由Eric Bargeron,外行Poupard出版|总统日成立于1968年为庆祝乔治·华盛顿,美国第一任行政长官的生日,称赞他的军事领导人和他的能力作为一个政治家。他是一个实干家,但约翰·亚当斯,有点势利的,认为华盛顿是“太不识字,不精通,...阅读更多


Published on December 18, 2015

金宝搏彩票盖尔的Eighteenth Century Collections Online(ECCO)最近刚刚庆祝了它的14周年12月4日它让我的思维。最常见的是,围绕18世纪指向美国革命,法国革命和工业革命的主要故事或发展的对话。例如,世界的产业化和生产供电,专用机械,工厂,大规模生产。其他人可能会想到美国革命的波士顿倾茶事件或邦克山战役,例如。但是,我们认为导致了这些事件的时刻?188金宝搏北京赛车


Celebrate with Gale: 800 Years of the Magna Carta

By Bethany Dotson

The Magna Carta, proclaimed at Runnymede on 15 June 1215, is 800 years old this week. The Magna Carta, or Great Charter of Liberty, is the document that King John signed, accepting restraints on the monarchy. It remains a cornerstone of modern English and American law. During the American Revolution, “the English used the Magna Carta to support their claim of parliamentary sovereignty, whereas Americans distilled from it the principle of ‘no taxation without representation.’”[1]

这并不奇怪,那么,在使用词频工具金宝搏彩票盖尔阿耳特弥斯:主要来源,searching through the 26 collections currently cross-searchable in this experience (includingEighteenth Century Collections Online中,现代法的制作收藏,十九世纪在线收藏,等等),我能隔离大约1749和1796年的高点之间发表在文档中的术语“大宪章”的人气激增?十五出在16490个文档Artemis: Primary Sources发表于1767年包含这个词。

阅读更多Celebrate with Gale: 800 Years of the Magna Carta


The next time you’re browsing your favorite essential primary source collection from Gale, be on the lookout for something new–and pretty exciting, if we do say so ourselves.

On the far right of the menu bar, you’ll now see an orange item that reads “Artemis Primary Sources.” Click on it to expand for an explanation of our newGale Artemis交叉搜索体验,并使用新的界面来尝试搜寻。


ECCO Just Got Bigger… Well, Sort of.

您是我们必不可少的主要来源数据库的粉丝,Eighteenth Century Collections Online

那么,下一次你登录到ECCO,一定要检查出橙色和白色的旗帜在头中。点击它会让你的ECCOexperience even bigger and better, becauseECCOis now cross-searchable with six of our other most treasured collections as part of the powerful new research platform,金宝搏彩票盖尔阿耳特弥斯:主要来源

阅读更多ECCO Just Got Bigger… Well, Sort of.

金宝搏彩票盖尔阿耳特弥斯:主要来源Just Quadrupled in Size!

We just launched several collections onto金宝搏彩票盖尔阿耳特弥斯:主要来源,我们开创性的研究平台。所有这些藏品是现在交叉搜索,并配备了许多新的工具和功能的较旧的独立集合不会。


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