Boca Rotan Public Library Offers New Online Resources

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|博卡拉顿公共图书馆目前提供的库持卡人大风小企业生成器,一个在线工具,可以免费使用,引导用户通过建立和开展新业务,与职业网络高中,为居民提供机会赚取所需的金宝搏彩票步骤和决定一个认可的高...Read more

驯鹿公共图书馆Offers Residents a Business Planning Tool

|最初发表在本县|北美驯鹿公共图书馆最近订阅了大风小企业生成器,对于谁正在探索的创业想法的个人网上业务规划工具,开始寻金宝搏彩票找一个小企业,或经营现有业务。“这个资源将帮助小企业和非营利组织增加他们的可能性......Read more


|Originally published on Morristown Patch | Morris Library cardholders now have access to Gale Small Business Builder, a step-by-step online planning tool for starting, managing and optimizing a business or nonprofit organization. The program’s intuitive dashboard walks users through five areas of exploration in order to develop a business plan focused on long-term success. …Read more

From Ship Driver to Library Space Entrepreneur

近日,Deziner软件与盖尔合作推出大风小企业构建公共图书馆空间。金宝搏彩票这套自助式在线资源,旨在帮助企业家新秀和经验丰富的小企业主创造一个商业计划,并发现更多关于他们自己和他们的财务状况。现在似乎是这样的自然路径,在成千上万种...Read more


|Originally published by Starland News, sponsored by Mid-Continent Public Library | With more than 30 libraries in the Kansas City region, the Mid-Continent Public Library offers entrepreneurs a wealth of tools beyond books on shelves. From databases to software to an array of events, MCPL provides a trove of information to better build a …Read more


The new database Gale Small Business Builder is a step-by-step online planning tool for starting, managing and optimizing a business or nonprofit. The program’s intuitive dashboard walks users through five areas of exploration in order to develop a business plan focused on long-term success. For patrons exploring the idea of small business ownership, this resource provides a …Read more

Understanding Community Goals Leads to Success for Libraries and Communities – A post from the 2016 Library of the Year


Have you ever been on the other line of a survey call? I haven’t, personally, but I’ve often wondered if I would be a willing participant. Perhaps in the midst of a particularly juicy book, soaking up one-on-one time with my fast-growing 9-year-old or closely watching a new recipe simmer, what would compel me to answer the phone, but also to converse with a researcher for an indeterminate spell? Well, for one thing, I’d pretty much drop everything and let dinner burn to gab with any stranger, on the phone or otherwise, when the topic is libraries.

You see, in my career as theTopeka and Shawnee County Public Library’s Communication Editor, I am enamored with the “public” part of the public library. How does the public feel about our services? How will they react to a minor or a major change? How can we woo them, engage them, help them feel a part the community through literacy and learning, and subsequently change their lives for the better?

我的图书馆集中在公共和公益事业。它提出正确的问题,发现人的目标和需求,并帮助他们,使他们能够达到这些目标。最终,它是关于与我们的同胞工作,让生活更美好使得在社会上的差异。这就是原因块好为什么我们的Library Journal/大金宝搏彩票风,部分年度圣智学习2016库。我们有我们的耳朵在地上。

When the 2016Pew Research Centerreport,在十字路口库在2015年9月被释放,我想知道人们对这些手机和地面通信线路的另一端。这些人是皮尤不同举了“A股的美国人”或“大多数美国人”或“低收入的美国人”是现实的个人与忙碌的生活,亲人和自己的晚餐做准备。然而,他们都坐在一个咒语瞎扯约库。

Read moreUnderstanding Community Goals Leads to Success for Libraries and Communities – A post from the 2016 Library of the Year

8 Ways To Give Local Businesses An Edge

Who Needs Business School? The Hidden Startup Resources at your Local Library

Posted on January 25, 2016

这些强劲的资产让图书馆取代multiple product subscriptions with one affordable resource your users will return to time and again for business information. Small business owners can compile a variety of reports—standard and custom—that will help them make informed decisions.DemographicsNow: Business and People有助于提供增强当地经济:

1. Customer upload and data blending— Users can obtain Census block-group demographic data, maps, and more on their actual customers. Other eyeopening data is also available for B2B businesses.

Read more8 Ways To Give Local Businesses An Edge