Get Started Gathering Ideas for Black History Month Lesson Plans

Posted on January 8, 2015

There’s an abundance of historical riches out there, but sometimes you have to know where to look to find the pot of educational gold. During Black History Month, get high school and undergraduate students to delve a bit deeper and uncover these influential and amazing people who changed lives and generations. Get the facts from Gale’s在上下文中数据库产品,将它们与课程主题相关联,然后跟进其他多媒体,建议进一步吸引学生。

Civil Rights Movement, US Government, Graphic Novels = John R. Lewis. This Georgia congressman, serving for 29 years, leads a fascinating life. Son of a sharecropper, Lewis became one of the six leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, served as SNCC chairman, and was one of the original Freedom Riders — all before he was thirty years old. There’s SO much more to discover about this icon, including his publication of two student-friendly graphic novels covering the 1965 Selma-Montgomery March, entitledMarch:书一书书二.

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