


By Michelle Eickmeyer


在2013年,美国人给了$ 335.17十亿给慈善机构。如此,$ 240.6十亿由个人(假设Source)。我在捐赠最终的数字是特别感兴趣,2014年的一些原因。首先,我表弟的2岁被确诊为白血病。(你知道癌症研究所致力于只有4%的资金,用于儿童癌症研究(Source) Why did cancer have to touch my family to learn that?) Second, the ice bucket challenge (and Mike Rowe). Here’s my previous岗位在上面!在2014年,冰桶挑战上调$ 2.2亿次,为ALS协会(Source)。这是约700%更多比前一年(Source)。Did more people give in 2014, or did people give more, or did they just give differently? The new numbers, expected next month, will tell.

Who currently gives (or doesn’t), and how much, when, and why are sometimes surprising. Low- and middle-income people give a higher percentage of their income than their high-income counterparts. Residents of large cities are less likely to give. When you compare the level of giving across states and the District, of the 20 most generous, only two voted democrat in the last election (Source)。假设的种种不上为什么会是现在这个方式进行。
