
|By Tracey Matthews, K12 Content Strategist , Gale | Complete your debate prep for the National Speech & Debate Tournament with Research In Context! With several portals (or topic pages) on social issues, Research In Context helps middle schoolers make connections to the world beyond the classroom, write persuasive research papers, and prepare well-informed …阅读更多


|By Tracie Moy | Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and suicide rates have increased by more than 25% in the last two decades1. Acknowledging for every suicide there are 25 attempts that aren’t fatal, you realize the extent of our current mental health crisis. Suicide awareness and …阅读更多

Access a Canadian Perspective



|通过崔西Cothran |


What other significant contributions by women are also shielded from view? It’s a joy to uncover these gems, and allow them to inspire other women and girls today. To me, that’s what Women’s History Month is all about—shining a light on the often overlooked contributions made by women throughout history.

Here are just a few, randomly chosen women from today and yesterday whose work and lives are notable. You’ll find them all inBiography In Context除其他盖尔资源。金宝搏彩票当你读到这些,你一定会发现其他有趣的女人,太!

Maria Tallchief– (1925-2013) Tallchief was the first American-born woman to achieve prima ballerina status at a major dance company; she was also a member of the Osage Nation. She’s featured this month in研究背景

赫斯顿– (1891-1960) A writer and major figure in the Harlem Renaissance, Hurston is a favorite of mine, for both her wonderful writing and her ability to live an unconventional life for women of her era.



|By Tracie Moy | March is Women’s History Month! And while it’s important to recognize the achievements made by all women, we are here to talk about women in STEM; these women are scientists, physicians, engineers, mathematicians, environmentalists, physicists… the list goes on! From a historical perspective, we typically think of the Jane Goodall’s and …阅读更多

A New Year with Endless Possibilities

|By Heather Van | As a new Gale employee, I have been spending a lot of time exploring and learning about our products. The school databases are full of seemingly endless information just waiting to be mined. The teacher in me sees the possibilities for new classroom lessons and organized research functionalities. The student …阅读更多


|悉尼Fairman |专为中学生设计,研究在上下文支持的信息和数字扫盲技能的发展。年轻的研究人员将他们如何能够快速导航,找到他们所需要的答案中得到启发。类别涵盖研究最多的主题,从文化和政府对历史和文学,...阅读更多


|马克Mikula |正如我们致敬许多拉美裔美国人谁积极地影响和丰富了我们的国家,这一点西班牙遗产月,让我们反思波多黎各,它具有在其整个历史,在其向美国的关系举行了独特的地位的联邦。波多黎各在1493年“发现” ...阅读更多


|通过崔西Cothran |我们知道有许多不同的方式学习的学生,和视觉学习者往往对视频格式的响应。我们的大金宝搏彩票风产品提供的视频,包括来自美国航空航天局,纽约时报广泛的选择,以及前线(仅举几例)和覆盖演讲,时尚,访谈,甚至食谱!我们已经 …阅读更多