Product Update: New Titles to InfoTrac

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in March 2017 The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists. Academic OneFile Collections: A Journal …Read more


Medical Periodicals for libraries

By Dana Guerra

This testimonial was submitted to Gale from an InfoTrac user a few years back. The lives of this researcher and her family were changed forever as a result of having access to periodical content from Gale through her library.

“I want to tell you “my story” and how much I LOVE InfoTrac! Last May, my 18-year-old son had a motorcycle accident and severely fractured his left clavicle. After two visits to local specialists and surgeons, I was disappointed by their prognosis…one said do nothing even though my son’s bones were bayoneted, almost poking through his skin; and the other said he should have surgery with a hip graft and 5” metal plate with six screws. This would leave a huge scar, his one arm would be shortened and he would most likely have back pain in his forties. …as a medical librarian, I said to myself, “I wonder what InfoTrac could tell me?

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