Tools of the Trade: Empathy, Respect, Openness,


同情和尊重– Keeping our doors open during the hard days created a shift in how the people of Ferguson thought of their library. The empathy and respect we showed our patrons created a synergistic boost to the community as a whole.

Understand patrons, and respect them as people. Everything else grows from this, but you have to really mean it. If you care deeply about your community, it shows in every conversation, decision, and service. This cannot be an abstract thing-爱心合计而不是在特定的。这是关于建立实际的关系。毕竟,我们所服务的每一个观众,作为一个人,独立。

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一个我在几年见过的最具创新性和社会变化的计划是网上职业高中。这一计划的在早期采用库的直接影响是惊人的我。显然,像程序网上职业高中provides a very meaningful answer to that tired old question, “Since everyone has a Kindle, do we still need libraries?”

When I saw网上职业高中我很惊讶,但unhappy.I知道我们的战略计划。我知道我们的关键绩效指标。我知道我们的人口和需求。我知道网上职业高中不容易进入我们的战略方向保持一致,but I also know we have a diverse population and there are people in our community who could use this program. So that’s the end of the story, right? Not so fast! A program like网上职业高中可以是一个很好的机会,创建与其他组织建立伙伴关系。


Data-Driven Marketing: Know Your Community

Analytics tool for Public Libraries


It’s impossible to attend a conference or read a library magazine today without hearing about data-driven decision making, big data, and measuring outcomes. Amidst the increasing “noise” around any trending topic, it can be hard to determine what it means for you and what tools are available to help gather and analyze data—here are some details to help you get started.

Do Analytics Really Matter?


Why does this matter to you? Libraries are not businesses, right? Many libraries are understandably sensitive to being compared to for-profit businesses. Consider for a moment though, that as a library, your products are the content and services you provide, and that your customers are your patrons. Profit aside, libraries have much to gain by leveraging data to retain and grow customers. Quite simply, there is an opportunity to be better positioned to meet the needs of your patrons.

阅读更多Data-Driven Marketing: Know Your Community