
|By Mike Tyrkus | Sequels and superheroes once again reigned over the box office this past year. The undisputed king of the domestic box office was without a doubt Avengers: Endgame, which grossed an astounding $858 million domestically and an equally amazing $2.8 billion worldwide. This bested the records set by Black Panther—just one …Read more

Revisiting Marvel’s Infinity Saga with VideoHound

|迈克蒂尔克斯,SR Content Developer,Gale |金宝搏彩票现在,奇迹电影宇宙(MCU)的“Infinity Saga”第三阶段已经与复仇者的事件结束了:endgame(2019年),我们认为看看我们的居民电影评论家可能有趣,可爱188金宝搏北京赛车Pooch Videohound,想到...Read more

Superheroes & Sequels – Domination at the Box Office

|By Mike Tyrkus | Once again, superhero films dominated the domestic box office. The king of the box office this past year also happened to be the newly-crowned ruler of Wakanda and the star of his self-titled film Black Panther. The latest Marvel blockbuster earned over $700 million domestically to garner a worldwide total …Read more