
By Tara Blair

Zeus prepares to hurl his trademark thunderbolts.

多于70%的e world’s population tune in to the Olympics, it’s no surprise that the event is ranked as the most common shared experience on Earth. We know the world is well informed of the quadrennial event held and are patiently waiting for August 5th. I backtracked nearly 3,000 years on Gale resources to uncover some knowledge and history most fans are unaware of.

Read what I found!

Originating in 776 BCE, the Olympics began as a festival to honor the mythological希腊主神宙斯. As the son to the supreme god of time,Cronus, and goddess of fertility,瑞亚, Zeus was the leader of the heavens and earth. After overthrowing his father through a tremendous war with a few devotedTitans和他的破坏性的雷电,宙斯着手把宇宙的控制。从他们在山法庭裁决奥林巴斯,宙斯,以及其他的泰坦,成为著名的奥林匹亚诸神。随着故事的推移,在山脚下开发的宗教节日崇拜宙斯和接近他的实力。为了纪念伟大的所有神灵,希腊人认为他们应该为他提供最好的一切,其中包括灵巧的身体素质。因此,奥运会诞生了。

Read more跳水进入奥运会

Fact-Checking Movie “History”with Gale Resources

Posted on March 14, 2016


我喜欢用历史事件带来的过去如此生动的生活,尤其是对于从来没有听说过这些过去的事件或著名的人188金宝搏北京赛车是谁启发学生看电影的方式。但有时电影从事实赞成呈现更强的影院体验的流浪。我看了“种族” - 关于杰西·欧文斯的故事,1936年奥运会 - 并想知道什么是事实,什么是“电影魔术”。学生可以使用他们的大脑和指尖搜索大风数据库 - 像金宝搏彩票U.S. History In Context,Students Resources In Context,Research In Context– to find out the truth, by investigating the following:

  • Following Jesse Owens’ gold medal wins, did Hitler shake Owens’ hand? (Bonus question: Did US President FDR ever welcome Owens to the White House?)
  • Were Owens and other African-American students allowed to live in student housing at Ohio State University?
  • Did German athlete Luz Long mark the takeoff area to help Owens qualify for the long jump?
  • Was that part in the movie where Owens had a romance with another woman (not his future wife) during college factual?
  • 难道欧文斯捕捉在1935年大十田径锦标赛在45分钟内4个世界纪录?
  • Why were US sprinters Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller scratched from the 4 x 100 event?

Read moreFact-Checking Movie “History”with Gale Resources