
Today, there are nearly 40 million adults, ages 18-65, who lack a high school education. Career Online High School, part of the world’s first accredited private online school district, can help adults realize their education and career goals. Not only does a high school diploma change the life of a student, it can improve the fabric …Read more


By Anne Nagrant, Customer Success Manager

Posted on August 26, 2015

Greene County Public Libraryin Ohio recently renewed their annual subscription toGale Courses–online, instructor-led classes which are free to library cardholders. Tamar Kreke, Adult and Technical Services Coordinator, shares five things her library does to recruit students to the resource:

  • Gale Coursesis posted on their website underDigital Collectionsinstead of the “Research” page where databases are listed. Tamar knows that Greene County patrons are already going to Overdrive, Zinio, and Mango, so she feels that people are more likely to come acrossGale Courses在这些高流量的产品被发现同一地区。该库还建立了自己的landing pageabout Gale Courses, with a description and more information about it.

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