A New Series on Literature and Film Adaptation


In today’s rush to produce more and more content for the silver screen, there is no shortage of cinematic adaptations of literary works. This concept and process is not new, however—directors and screenwriters have long been retelling beloved classics in feature-film format. Take, for example, Francis Ford Coppola’s adaptation ofDracula。或者,弗朗索瓦·特吕弗的采取对雷·布拉德伯里的华氏451度和詹姆斯鲸鱼版Frankenstein。Even current works, such as the哈利·波特饥饿游戏系列中,发现在电影界取得巨大成功。Books to Film: Cinematic Adaptations of Literary Works,a new annual series offered onGale’sGVRL电子书平台, explores the vast world of film adaptation. Entries discuss basic plot summaries of featured books and films; examine critical reaction to each adaptation at the time of their respective releases; provide biographical information on authors, directors, and screenwriters; and explore the process by which the book is transformed into a film. Adaptations covered range “from the silent period (1895–1927) through to contemporary cinema, from studios major and minor as well as independents, from Hollywood and around the globe” as Editor in Chief Barry Keith Grant writes in his introduction to Volume 1. Literary works covered include fiction and nonfiction, canonical works and bestsellers, classic and contemporary works, and long and short writing.

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全球视角。这些话是由教育界人士和雇主谁明白,心态和实际技能的结合是相互作用的,工作的,并在随后的21的关键因素日益说出st-century world.

As a senior content developer at Gale, my goal is to bring people information not only to meet their needs but to spark curiosity and encourage further investigation and learning. In recent years, the challenge has expanded to building international coverage, appealing to a global audience, and aligning content with topics studied at the collegiate level.

This latter ambition is tied to trends in education, from the nearly 40% increase in International Baccalaureate schools over the past five years1全球研究程度的增长programs, ranging from associate to doctoral levels. Common links among these curricula are an interdisciplinary approach, a focus on global issues, and the cultivation of cross-cultural awareness. For instance, at the University of California, Berkeley, a learning goal of its Global Studies program is “apply[ing] an interdisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary global issues,” while the College of William & Mary notes that students will explore “the ways in which global forces are realized in and through local contexts, and the interconnections between global regions.”

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