The Curious Case of Puerto Rico: Neither a U.S. State nor an Independent Country

5min read

|马克Mikula |

As we pay tribute to the many Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation this Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s reflect on commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which has, throughout its history, held a unique position in its relationship to the United States.





Still, however, Puerto Rico has held a unique position in which its international relations are not independent from U.S policy-making and in which the U.S. federal government holds ultimate power with regard to its currency, highways, postal system, social security benefits, and mineral rights.

U.S. courts, including the Supreme Court, have attempted to more clearly define Puerto Rican autonomy in the latter half of the twentieth century and the early part of the twenty-first century. (The Puerto Rican judiciary is connected to the First Circuit Court in the federal court system.) Most legal decisions regarding matters of Puerto Rican autonomy have resulted in rights and privileges typically granted to the states.


On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria, classified as a category 4 hurricane at the time of landfall, struck Puerto Rico, devastating the landscape, destroying power lines, and compromising the island’s infrastructure. According to a study released by the Milken Institute of Public Health at George Washington University, 2,975 people died as a result of the storm. The death toll is a significant adjustment from the initial “official” report of 64 deaths and a revised count later issued by the Puerto Rican government of 1,400. Entertainers such as singer Jennifer Lopez and actor and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda have led fundraising efforts and have brought attention to the dire situation facing Puerto Rico in the wake of the storm. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) faced challenges delivering supplies and restoring power to Puerto Rico.

Debates and initiatives regarding Puerto Rico’s status are ongoing. In referendums, residents have increasingly favored statehood for the island, but the U.S. Congress has been reluctant to carry that possibility forward, especially since Puerto Rico carries a massive amount of debt that would need to be managed appropriately if the island commonwealth were to be folded into the United States.

西班牙传统月is celebrated from September 15th通过10月15日th.

对于波多黎各的概述,请参阅“Puerto Rico”从Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the StatesGVRL.

有关从它的第一位居民任命州长的角度展望波多黎各的演讲,请参阅“The Future of Puerto Rico”从金宝搏彩票多元文化的美国烈风百科全书U.S. History In Context.

有关飓风玛丽亚在岛上的影响的信息,请参阅“飓风玛丽亚摧残波多黎各,二○一七年九月二十〇日”从美国历史事件188金宝搏北京赛车U.S. History In Context.


Mark Mikula is a senior content developer for several of Gale’s history databases. In his travels, he has attended numerous film and theater festivals; the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament in Stamford, Connecticut; and the oldest consecutively held Fourth of July celebration in Bristol, Rhode Island.
