




To take primary sources from their original paper format into easily accessible digital files, we employ two types of scanners. The number of each is carefully determined based on the type of material included in project.


第二种类型的扫描仪称为平板。Source materials that are oversized, feature foldouts, contain loose pages, or are otherwise overly fragile get scanned using this method. This process requires the operator to place materials flat on the scanning surface and manually take digital pictures with an overhead camera. Although using a flatbed takes time, doing so is the best way to preserve our most delicate pieces of history.


Of course, scanners sit idle when source materials are not properly maintained and thus require repairs. We have developed a three-step process to ensure these repairs do not result in a workflow bottleneck.

First, the entire collection undergoes a general assessment. Items easily identified as requiring conservation get put aside. The pieces are again reviewed—this time with careful detail—before being placed on the scanners, providing another step in the quality control process. If any damage is discovered during digitization, scanning is halted, and the documents are brought to a designated conservationist for repair. Minor repairs are performed on a daily basis, thus sending materials back into the scanning queue and keeping the work flowing.



Following the successful scanning of this source documentation, the new digital image files need to be processed for online display. This includes de-skewing, rotating, cropping, and removing unwanted artifacts. While some of these modifications are automated, many require manual manipulation.


Each project has its own unique set of requirements, but stick to the three C’s, and you will be off to a great start!


Ray Bankowski

About the Author



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