Uncovering Marginalized History, Experience, and Narrative

9min read


| By Phil Virta |


在some cases, scholarly resources tend to focus on the white, Western world, mainly North American and European history and experience. They either marginalize or only indirectly touch on the histories, experiences, and narratives of othered groups (e.g., LGBTQ, disabled, etc.) as well as black and minority ethnic groups.

LGBTQ历史往往忽略或从官方记录删除。性与性别的档案:对LGBTQ行动主义与文化国际视角确保LGBTQ的故事和经历将被保留,并提出。归档是创造了世界的代表性不足的地区,如非洲南部和澳大利亚照亮多样性,突出文化和社会的历史,审视在LGBTQ历史权利和自由,性欲报价探索,目前组织和关键人物的斗争。归档提供声音,观点,并挑战历史遗漏和文化偏见的世界观。Read the press release to learn more about this groundbreaking resource >>


在ternational Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture,we’re exposed to a wide array of history, herstory, activism, and culture from around the world:

  • From theHimalayan Times,2004年4月18日,“国家应该承认同性恋权利?”而警方声称“同性恋是一个有点社会公害的”,“缺乏对同性恋者公开公众的反对被解释为对社会是相当支持他们。”了解更多关于它!
  • Find out why Serbian police banned a gay pride march in Belgrade in 2012. Hint: While Serbian police cited safety concerns, it appears they were also complying with a request from Serbia’s Christian Orthodox Church.
  • Learn about a lesbian and gay rights charter proposed in South Africa in 1990 with the aim of doing away with “laws which oppress us as Lesbians and Gay Men” and moving “towards a society where people are free to express their SEXUALITY.”
  • 了解更多关于迷人和丰富多彩的节庆活动发生,每年在澳大利亚各地,比如同性恋仲夏节,悉尼同性恋狂欢,盛宴,一个同性恋文化节在阿德莱德,墨尔本酷儿电影节,和TasPride节,在许多其他之中。
  • 得到什么样的生活亚美尼亚女同志,揭露,往往是拒绝或干脆删除历史的一瞥。
  • 有关于同性恋的问题?不要害羞!您可以在通过威特沃特斯兰德同性恋组织(GLOW)的作用集团生产的这种有益的小册子答案。
  • Are you bi-curious? Or would you simply like to know more about bisexuals? Learn more inNational Biways,澳大利亚双性恋运动的全国性杂志。
  • 了解艾滋病疫情如何影响,并继续影响,人们在澳大利亚。阅读关于应对危机,包括教育,支援小组,和推广。
  • 它是什么喜欢住在不尊重你,你是谁的社会?它是什么样生活在恐惧蔑视,虐待,歧视,甚至死亡的?同性恋恐惧症可以通过教育来治愈。

Last but not least, let’s look at a highlight collection from GALA (also known as Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action) in Johannesburg, South Africa; it’s a newspaper that supported the LGBTIQ community in South Africa, serving as a window on local and international events and news. This is one of 24 collections Gale digitized in partnership with the GALA archives. Gale has also digitized more than 150 periodicals from the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, as well as the Organization Files and Geographic Files from the Lesbian Herstory Archives.

出口newspaper是南非历史最悠久的月度LGBTIQ出版。出口本报告知南非LGBTIQ社区自成立以来发挥了举足轻重的作用,最初是作为链接/斯凯克尔在1982年南非的同性恋者协会(GASA)。三十三个问题链接/斯凯克尔从出现的1982年5月至1985年5月,随着第一期出版出口下面几个月后的1985年7月。出口continues to be published and distributed as a monthly newspaper throughout South Africa. Our archival collection runs through June 2018.

在80年代早期,同性恋在该国合法化之前,出口成为第一个通过该社区的成员提供了本地和国际新闻LGBTIQ为数不多的途径之一。“对于许多在衣柜里,出口was the only gateway to the community, especially for those living outside the major urban areas. The mere act of stepping up to the till to buy a copy at the local CNA [Central News Agency] was a brave ‘coming out’ rite of passage,” writes Luiz DeBarros in an article to mark the 300th问题在于出口对于曼巴在线in November 2015.

到今天,出口continues to offer the latest local and international LGBTIQ news, including sports and entertainment as well as letters, profiles, columns, and travel and health features.

“任何希望在追溯历史LGBTIQ关键发展南非文化历史学家咨询出口“。蒂姆Trengove - 琼斯的这些话,通过DeBarros同一篇文章中庆祝300报价th问题在于出口, are testament to the undisputed importance of出口as a valuable archival resource.

性与性别的档案:对LGBTQ行动主义与文化国际视角规定,扩大了我们的世界观,让我们窥见到世界各地的社会历史和文化,平等的战斗,以及日常生活中的材料。Read Part 1 of this blog series to dive into the collections.

学习更多关于在ternational Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture>>

Meet the Author

菲尔Virta已在大风工作了超过14年的各种能力,金宝搏彩票最近的数字主要来源档案馆负责的出版商性倾向及性别的档案program. He enjoys long walks through dusty archival collections, visiting far-flung places, and frequent woolgathering. When he doesn’t have his head in the clouds, he can be found researching new archive ideas, working on his stamp collection, watching squirrels, or planning his next tropical vacation.“他是一个梦想家,一个思想家,一个投机哲学家......或者,作为他的妻子将有它,白痴。”谢谢道格拉斯·亚当斯。
