What Public Libraries Have Been Looking For: New On-Demand Video Courses Coming Soon!


| By Angela Doolin, Gale Product Manager |

至于学习新技术的需求增长,公司实现迫切需要在劳动力桥技能差距。根据2018年全球survey普华永道进行的,老总的38%都极为关注的是,由于缺乏关键技能将是业务增长的威胁。1在职人士也掌握必要发展自己的技能,继续工作有关。了2016皮尤研究studyreports that 63 percent of employed adults have sought additional training or taken an upskilling course to enhance their career performance.2

While supporting continuous learning is nothing new to libraries, ensuring that the content is relevant and always up to date in an ever-changing market is no small task. That’s one of the many reasons we’ve partnered withUdemy,在线课程的主要目的地。即将到来的冬季到2020年,Gale Presents: Udemy将推出!动态内容平台采用最佳的数据驱动的策展过程中,提供超过3500的高品质,在超过75个不同类别的视频点播课程。借助以Udemy商业课程,内容是连续监测过程中的质量和基于以下因素,如市场需求,用户评论,和教练反应相关,仅举几例。

看看这个视频的先睹为快Gale Presents: Udemy

那么,为什么我们在这个方向前进吗?First and foremost, it was driven by you, our library partners. Every public library’s mission statement supports lifelong learning in some way—it’s just that important! And Gale’s mission in the public library space is to support you. As the needs of your community evolve, we want to continue to develop resources for patrons that enhance research, provide learning solutions, support business success, and enable libraries to create more focused programming.Gale Presents: Udemy确实,通过在业务,技术,设计,以及更多的地区提供提高技能。为了保持新鲜内容,课程更新,或者用新材料解决的新课题每月更换。事实上,收集的85%已经被刷新,在过去的两年中,确保学员正在开发的技能,在最相关的,有需求的地区。


更重要的是,Gale Presents: Udemy围绕学习者参与建造。用户可以选择通过课程的特点,水平,时间,主题和收视率最符合他们的技能所需要的教练和内容和​​学习的喜好,和过滤搜索结果。根据学习者的先前应用内活动的智能建议提供对准自己的兴趣提出课程个性化的学习体验。

Your library can move forward by providing the most relevant and engaging content, keeping your patrons ahead of the curve. To learn more, visit金宝搏彩票gale.com/trialudemy。And stay tuned for more info on the product launch in early 2020.

1。PwC, “Your Workforce Needs Reskilling” 2018年1月。

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