10 Reasons Why GVRL is Ideal for Classroom Use

3min read

To aid in the adoption of eBooks for instruction, here are10个理由,我们听到大风电子书上金宝搏彩票GVRL独特的定位支持指令和负担倡议。在制定这个名单的过程中,我们与图书馆员,教师合作伙伴,以及我们自己的教学设计人员和产品经理咨询。该清单应清理我们听到教师的误解 - 并证明为什么大风电子书上金宝搏彩票GVRLis ideal for librarians looking to support faculty in their selection of affordable course materials.

  1. 在课堂上使用正确的内容。A single purchase of any eBook becomes part of an institution’s permanent collection. Instructional titles can be used to supplement or replace course material for introductory and large enrollment courses – or for more advanced and specialized courses.
    • Designed by faculty for faculty.GVRLoffers many titles developed by renowned faculty and many have peer review editorial boards.
    • 参考彻底改造。具有可以很容易地拆卸和组合以新的方式为教师选择教自己的课程提供交付整个课程或只选读一个伟大的方式来发布内容。
    • Classic favorites.Titles such asAmerican Decades, American Decades: Primary SourcesThe Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology整个课程,如美国介绍历史和心理学导论高度使用。
    • Interdisciplinary choices.Titles such asInternational Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Encyclopedia of ReligionEncyclopedia of Philosophy是跨学科和课程,如世界历史,社会学和刑事司法的使用。
    • 独特的奖学金最近发布麦克米伦跨学科手册系列,是经过主管部门,跨学科的课程需要由著名教育家和严谨的编辑审查开发。
  1. Collaboration tools.Integrated摹套房教育Microsoft Office 365工具允许教师和学生,而无需购买额外的软件,他们已经熟悉的工具的工作。
  1. 无使用限制。All Gale eBooks offer unlimited, simultaneous access for all users, as well as unlimited downloads, allowing faculty to useGVRL电子书as supplemental course material for an entire class by all students.
  1. 持续的URL。收藏链接永远不会改变,并且可以与非用户共享。教师可以轻松地嵌入链接到他们的学习管理系统,阅读列表,或课程网站。
  1. 可定制的集合。通过您的收藏中组织标题来创建自定义标题分组与课程设置是对齐支持他们的课程材料的选择教师。
  1. 提高可访问性。Platform features like Readspeaker Text-to-Speech Technology, allows the library to provide instructional materials to students across different populations. And content can be translated into more than 20 languages to aid non-English speaking students.
  1. Improve study skills.Functionality to highlight and annotate allows students to be more productive while completing homework assignments.
  1. 优化搜索结果。查找文章或电子书与课程内容对齐很容易通过详细索引,查找。
  1. 移动响应。GVRLis fully mobile responsive, giving faculty and students access to any title on any device without additional applications.
  1. Student access and savings.每年,教师的90%以上选择新材料为他们的课程,但将财政负担学生的斗争。单拷贝购买任意大风电子书的访问提供给大家,在任何时间,没有任金宝搏彩票何使用限制。谁采用电子书内容纳入课堂教学这确保了教师可以提供给在上课的第一天所有学生平等的机会和学期的到来。

你可以学习如何在支持与负担得起的教育加入教师Gale eBooks onGVRLfor Instruction
