


女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性和酷儿(LGBTQ)历史的全球百科全书is the product of two years of focused labor by hundreds of researchers and editors. The ambitious three-volume set, composed of nearly 450 commissioned articles and sidebars, reflects how the field of LGBTQ studies has engaged with social campaigns for equality, freedom, justice and liberation worldwide since the 1970s.

That queer experience can be located across diverse regional, national and global contexts and at different points in time is perhaps the most ordinary feature of human existence. The editorial board was thus tasked with adding intellectual rigor, political color, cultural vibrancy and social relevance to this seemingly mundane observation. Initially conceived as a global companion to Scribner’s女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋和变性史研究在美国的百科全书(2004年)中,LGBTQ历史的全球百科全书迅速成为了一个别样的知性追求。而在性别和性少数群体的历史经验的兴趣依旧,如何这一动力转化为参考指导意义上的全球规模的问题必要在新的标题捕捉的关键术语的重新思考。在该重新思考,之间的概念极性刚性and弹性标志着该编辑器操纵不同利益相关者的利益的方式反复出现的主题对他们来说,LGBTQ历史知识最重要的。



By bridging global history and LGBTQ history, theLGBTQ历史的全球百科全书响应一个有趣的悖论 - 一个细致入微的历史研究这两个领域之间的摩擦。简单地说,世界历史和历史LGBTQ由具有大设想了一个完全不同的种类分别议程。所以,当全球史学家来自世界历史学家分歧通过强调路线,流通和交流的渠道的重要性,以及连接地区,民族,材料和观念之间,LGBTQ历史学家的前景化特征的经验是凝聚围绕社会差异性,多样性和多重-方式分开了公司与早期的女权主义历史学家分裂。有人可能会说,这些平行的社会和智力的发展趋势提出了全球历史和LGBTQ历史小熊彼此显着的障碍。该LGBTQ历史的全球百科全书,however, raises a number of possible strategies to overcome this deadlock.

首先,通过专家的不同的世界regions, the board aimed for an even geographical spread in developing the list of entries. Second, the board gave particular analytical breadth and depth to issues surrounding colonialism and imperialism. This emphasis in consideration is intended to reflect the centrality of these issues to the making of the modern world. Thirdly, while colonialism must constitute a sustained object of critical investigation in queer history, it also enables the board to raise important questions about how and why we are studying gender and sexual diversity—in colonial contexts or otherwise—especially for regions where LGBTQ topics have received less systematic examination. Last but not least, the board aimed for transnational coverage by thematizing the body and pleasure—analytical angles that are central but conceptually autonomous from LGBTQ concerns.






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