Cengage PRIDE Group Provides Detroit’s Ruth Ellis Center with Education Resources, Food, and Fun for Local LGBTQ+ Community

5min read

|Matthew Saldeen |


  1. Physiological
  2. 安全
  3. Belongingness
  4. Esteem
  5. Self-actualization

Ruth Ellis中心在底特律是底特律LGBTQ +社区努力实现这些需求的惊人资源。他们的使命是“与LGBTQ +年轻人创造机会,以建立积极的未来的愿景。”Cengage Pride是一个组织的员工资源集团,以促进包容性和授权的文化,并支持LGBTQ +员工和所有背景的盟友。作为他们在LGBTQ +社区中更加明显的努力的一部分,促进了提高对LGBTQ +社区的认识的活动,众所周知,众所周知,即将到达他们可以帮助的地方。2019年7月31日,一支志愿者团队前往该社区一天的食物,乐趣和捐款。总体而言,露丝埃利斯中心的使命影响了年轻人实现马斯洛的层次结构中每个需求,并在7月31日的活动中,普遍荣幸能够协助。


第一个,马斯洛的需要等级的最重要的是食物,水和温暖等生理要素。Ruth Ellis Centre为年轻人提供食物和安全的空间;为了帮助解决这个问题,普遍骄傲集团扔了一个烧烤!赌场着名的着名酒吧BQQ BQ和固定的烧烤群,骄傲集团带来的固定,供应足够的食物来喂养中心参与者和员工进行晚餐,剩菜备用。


Ruth Ellis Centre提供了无数的服务,以帮助风险的LGBTQ +青少年保持安全,包括案例管理,综合医疗保健,进入住房和安全空间,以及托管有趣的活动,以鼓励他们来留住。188金宝搏北京赛车康复骄傲有助于提供一天的乐趣演奏音乐和建立棋盘游戏,巨型晋台,水球,以及与奖品的LGBTQ +主动竞争。


Perhaps one of the most evident needs the Ruth Ellis Center assists with is a sense of belonging. It’s apparent in every activity and every interaction at the Center. The affirmation-focused staff at the Center, including the staff in the in-building health clinic, provide an environment where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are. To showcase the unique talents of the young people, the Center and Cengage PRIDE threw a Mini Ball voguing dance competition in the style of the drag balls featured in the documentary Paris is Burning and the FX show Pose. Cengage donated four $100 Visa gift cards as prizes for the competition winners and the commentator.


马斯洛的层次结构描述了最后两个需要 - 尊重和自我实现 - 因为需要一种成就感和达到一个人全部潜力的能力。Ruth Ellis Center的核心目的直接对齐。他们专注于通过他们称之为“积极青年发展”的框架“建立正面期货”,强调“专注于青年的优势而不是其风险因素”。为了帮助中心,普遍骄傲地骄傲地为年轻人继续教育提供资源。与Peterson合作,康复骄傲捐赠了一个12个月的订阅测试与教育参考中心. This product provides access to test preparations and practice tests (both for college and vocations); customized study dashboards as well as career preparation and instruction on résumés, cover letters, interviewing, and networking. Peterson’s also donated 100 copies of their ACT Prep Guide 2019, and Gale provided supplementalGale eBooks, 包含职业信息中心;大学蓝图;奖学金,奖学金,赠款和贷款;和Business Plans Handbook. The Cengage PRIDE group hopes these donations will make a meaningful impact on the Center participants’ needs to achieve a sense of accomplishment and reach their full potential.

In partnering with the Ruth Ellis Center in Detroit, the Cengage PRIDE group endeavored to make a difference in the local community. By volunteering time, bringing food and prizes, and partnering with Peterson’s to donate educational resources to the Center, Cengage PRIDE hopes to have assisted the local LGBTQ+ community in pursuing their physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization needs.

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