Doomed to Repeat It

4min read

| By Andrea Drouillard |

“谁不记得过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。”1Recently, I listened to a Facebook Live conversation featuring Dr. Duchess Harris, professor of American Studies at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she spoke about history repeating itself and pondered the similarities between the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis and the Red Summer of 1919. It took me about an hour and a half to listen to the 38-minute discussion because I found myself stopping, thinking about what she said, rewinding the discussion, and listening again to make sure I was really hearing and understanding what she was saying. I had never heard about the Red Summer, a six-month period in 1919 when a series of race riots broke out across the United States just one year after the influenza epidemic of 1918, during which 550,000 Americans died.2

Alicia Smith, executive director of the Corcoran neighborhood organization of St. Paul, also joined the call. She talked about how a community can be retraumatized when injustice happens over and over after multiple events, such as the unjust murders of Ahmaud Arbery,3Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. Smith discussed how this retraumatization can affect individual people, children, and families; their community; and their leaders. She asked what people are to do when they are angry, hurt, scared, or fed up. Smith wondered, “Where is the hub for healing to help people gather and strategically address the issues that continue to happen over and over in their communities?”


On June 1, 2020,哈佛商业评论出版了“U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism,” and advised leaders on how to avoid missteps when creating an inclusive environment for everyone to address these topics.4They also provided a framework for meaningful action. At Cengage, our CEO has issued a关于美国种族不平等声明. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to participate in an upcoming workshop at Cengage so I can learn more about how I can become a better and more effective ally for my team members, colleagues, customers, and society.


For more information about these topics, explore these金宝搏彩票盖尔电子书和我们的公平性,多样性,和包容别人的网站:

贝尔公司,沃尔特·F“。Red Summer (1919)“。InRevolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History:An Encyclopedia, edited by Steven L. Danver, 3: 765‒772. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011.金宝搏彩票盖尔电子书;鲍曼,朱S.,编等。“1918 - 1919年的大流感疫情“。美国十年卷。2:1910-1919。金宝搏彩票大风,2001年。金宝搏彩票盖尔电子书.
3.“Ahmaud Arbery,一个25岁的黑人在格鲁吉亚,在外面跑步“。National Review, June 1, 2020, 8.金宝搏彩票大风在上下文:对立的观点.
4. Morgan Roberts, Laura and Ella F. Washington, “U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism“。哈佛商业评论,June 1, 2020.

Meet the Author

Andrea Drouillard


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