

By Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly

Literary fiction “tends to focus on complex issues and the beauty of the writing itself,” according to the Writer’s Relief Staff at the Huffington Post (1). This is a great definition, and makes a distinction between literary fiction and mainstream or “popular” fiction, which is driven more by plot and characters than by insight or clever use of language. It seems short sighted to think that literary writing falls only outside of genre fiction, though. There are plenty of literary mysteries, literary science fiction novels, and even literary graphic novels. I’d like to suggest that literary fiction can, in fact, fall into a variety of genres and still hold true to the definition above.

至于谁是一个有趣的书的封面(是的,我通过他们的封面做法官的书,我也用一个漂亮的封面作为一个读者的咨询策略!)吸引了读者,我在网上找到的书籍封面的讨论由作家“小说创作帮助”非常引人注目。他们说的封面“文学小说更隐蔽,‘附庸风雅’”(2)。科幻小说可能会显示在其覆盖的太空飞船(像The Arrows of Time格雷格·伊根,2014)和推理小说可能会出现一些令人毛骨悚然或险恶像空的儿童上的封面波动Merrick通过根·布鲁(2014)。他们很可能是吸引人的封面,但它们指向更为明显的体裁本身。更微妙的文学小说封面的例子是与鸟从背后偷看(剥取网页金翅雀by Donna Tartt, 2013), two hands reaching toward each other (奇怪的新事物的书由米歇尔·法柏,2014),并且没有人草甸(莉拉通过马里琳内·鲁滨逊,2014)。

让我们看看文学体裁作品的封面的例子。可燃书由布鲁斯·霍尔辛格是文学历史谜团与像错综复杂的故事情节,丰富的细节,以及大气色调的元素。它的封面是黑色的壁炉和冠 - 象征性的异端,阴谋,和国王的法庭。这是黑暗和来势汹汹像一个谜风格新颖可能是和表演一个国王的王冠像历史科幻小说 - 文学,历史和神秘的一个很好的组合。这种组合文学/流派封面的另一个很好的例子是模棱两可之间由杰西卡消力(2013)。它既是一个谜,与文学元素的幻想小说就像是某种平行叙事和现实世界和小飞侠的梦幻岛两者的设置文体复杂,“世界之间”。本期封面所示有雾森林,非常具有象征意义这个想法的是的“模棱两可之间,”但也类似于神秘小说,似乎黑暗和怀疑。


Red Moon由本杰明珀西(2014)

A man moves to a gold mining town in New Zealand just as three crimes occur there. He is implicated in the crimes. There is crime, deception, and intrigue in this historical mystery novel, but the style is decidedly literary. There are stories within stories, and a very nonlinear approach to the storytelling.

Maddaddamtrilogy by Margaret Atwood
#1 Oryx and Crake(2003),#2洪水的年份(2009),和#3 Maddaddam(2013


The High Divide林恩格(2013)

[警告信息]Holly Hibner Mary Kelly

About the Authors

Holly is the Adult Services Coordinator at the Plymouth District Library in Plymouth, MI. She has a mild obsession with collection quality (ok, maybe not so mild) and can be found at the Readers’ Advisory desk dreaming up read-alikes.

Mary is the Youth Services Librarian at the Lyon Township Public Library in South Lyon, MI. She, too, is obsessed with collection quality, and has taken it up a notch with never ending shelf lists, spreadsheets, and inventory. Mary has a special knack for linking books to readers of all ages.

Together Mary and Holly are the authors of “Making a Collection Count: a holistic approach to library collection management.” They also tweet at@awfullibbooks和博客在awfullibrarybooks.net


  1. Writer’s Relief Staff. Posted 8/21/13, viewed 8/2/14.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/literary-novels-_n_3790198.html
  2. What is Literary Fiction (and what sets it apart)? Viewed 8/2/14.http://www.novel-writing-help.com/literary-fiction.html

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