3Surefire Tips to Help ESL/EFL Patrons Utilize eResources


By Anne Nagrant

My experience living abroad as a Peace Corps Volunteer made me very sympathetic to those in our local communities for whom English is not their native language. No matter the level of English a patron has, public libraries should be prepared to serve all.

里面的图书馆,标牌和图片可以帮助游客找到他们所需要的东西。图书馆工作人员可以清楚地阐明,并尝试说以不同的方式同样的事情。因为一些移民宁可看书,交谈,报价传单和讲义带回家。从盖尔的促销网站免费订购西班牙语印刷材料,促进金宝搏彩票Informe AcadémicoorPowerSpeak语言

Bookmark for Informe

The library website is another important path for connecting with your community. Here are three strategies to help ESL/EFL patrons utilize your electronic resources:

1。List resources under relevant subjects


威科米科公共图书馆在美国马里兰州的地方Testing & Education Reference Center,其中包括公民身份测试准备和帮助,托福和托业考试,在一个“美国梦 - ESL实验室”他们的网站的区域。

2. Meet them where they are


The LifeLong Learning Center (LLC) at Vigo County Public Library in Indiana offers services for many adults in their community, including those improving their English skills. The library found thatGale Coursesis a perfect complement to the work of the LLC, so they placed a link on the LLC’s website.

Kenosha Public Library in Wisconsin offers classes for Spanish-speakers in their community. They sharePowerSpeak语言促销品以及有关在与当地非营利组织宣传图书馆的资源信息。他们的一个国家的最先进的语言学习机会是成为可能从联邦LSTA 2014素养补助资金,提高到西班牙语的服务,尤其是那些学习英语。学到更多…

3。Translate important information

Power Speak Languages
Table tent in Spanish for PowerSpeak Languages.


Ocean County Library in New Jersey provides an entire page of “Bases de Datos” on their website. They place links to these resources, such asInforme 金宝搏彩票Academico他们的标准数据库A到Z的页面了。

许多盖尔资金宝搏彩票源允许的接口和/或文章被翻译成不同的语言。大洋县图书馆的描述为Gale Virtual Reference Library: en Español介绍了如何将接口设置为西班牙语。

如果你讲英语的人口的迹象ificant, consider creating a library overview page in a language that’s common in your area. Robert L F Sikes Public Library in Florida provides information in Spanish. Thomas Crane Public Library in Massachusetts maintains three webpages in Chinese (pictured above).

以下这些技巧将使它更容易为ESL / EFL顾客查找,访问和了解公共图书馆的资源。这是一个双赢的局面,为图书馆和新人。他们肯定会欣赏你的努力。



About the Author

Anne Nagrant is a Customer Care Consultant who serves public libraries throughout the US and Canada. She came to Gale in 2012 after a fun career in historical museums, specializing in educational and public programs. Anne taught English in Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania from 2003 to 2005. The experience changed her life.


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