Impacting the Community One Graduate at a Time

2min read

|米歇尔Jeske,市图书馆,和VIVIANA卡西利亚斯,图书馆/项目经理,丹佛公共图书馆,丹佛,CO |

In 2015, the Denver Public Library (DPL) began providingCareer Online High Schoolto address needs identified in an earlier community assessment survey. According to the survey, 14 percent of Denver residents did not have a high school diploma or GED. In 2016, the number remained elevated at 15 percent. The mission of the library is to “connect people with information, ideas and experiences to provide enjoyment, enrich lives and strengthen our community.”Career Online High Schoolsupports that mission perfectly.

What leads adults to not complete high school? Common responses include the need to help family with home finances, a lack of family support, the increase of peer pressure, class size, and lack of individualized attention. Many students who leave high school feel they do not fit in with a traditional class setting and need to go at their own pace. When they attempt to finish as an adult, barriers include program cost, finding an accredited source, balancing school work with family and work obligations, and access to technology. For many, the need to travel to a certain location to take classes at a distance from work or family creates scheduling conflicts. Earning a diploma often gets pushed aside.

研究方案后,DPL选择了Career Online High School由大风及其合作伙伴的智能新秀金宝搏彩票提供。我们觉得这个节目最好的解决了一些,当他们试图完成学校所面临的问题学生。谁在程序招收成人看图书馆作为一个值得信赖的来源,这使得它更容易采取步骤重返校园。24/7访问,持续的支持,从家里和在多个设备上做学校的工作能力,而最重要的是,有机会获得这两个高中文凭,并通过奖学金的职业证书的难易程度,是积极因素。



有兴趣了解更多有关Career Online High School,请访问gale金宝搏彩票.com/diploma。

