A Library Book That Changed My Life

1min read

By Mary T.

I had just begun to read when I visited the Adrian Public Library with my mother. I was a Greek/American little girl who loved books. The library had a table book sale, and I purchased a small book on Greek Mythology for 10 cents. That book changed my life. I learned my heritage when back beyond the ordinary, that it was merged with the magic world of the Greek gods and goddesses.

我主要的年后成为英国,与经典未成年人。我开始了自己的珍稀绝版书店。我现在对我的世俗网站撰写的哲学和历史散文,读他们在YouTube上。我一直用我们当地的图书馆,并促成了他们。他们有一个结界中的尘埃刚刚可见光和过滤的那些安静的房间阳光和丰富了我难以置信。Libraries have changed since then, but when I step into one, I am back in the world of hushed tones, oak tables and shelves of books, a world where one’s imagination and a book could transport me into a different world, rich and strange, each time I sat down to read.
