马雷尼’s Black Bottom


| By Traci Cothran |

我瞧ve most about our Gale resources is the depth of the content. There’s always something new to learn—usually,很多东西的!

当我在我们的“Ma Rainey”和“Ma Rainey的黑底”中,我的点击是拖着回家的金宝搏彩票大风内容after seeing the new film on TV, which stars Chadwick Boseman and Viola Davis. They’re both spectacular in this adaptation of the August Wilson play, as are the set designs and costumes. It’s difficult to watch Boseman’s performance and understand that his thinness was due to his fatal illness and know that this was his last amazing performance. Yet he shines.

我没有意识到这阶段在主要阶段都有多少次。通过使用金宝搏彩票大风的深度资源那you can find reviews and commentary about the other shows, going back decades, starring Whoopi Goldberg, Angela Bassett, and others.

您还可以在剧本八月威尔逊的生命和职业中阅读,查看戏剧摘要,并阅读了一些Ma Rainey的实际歌曲歌词以及由Sterling A. Brown写的诗。当然,您可以在此Netflix生产中找到当前的评论和评论,并了解Boseman和Davis的职业生涯。

可能还有其他宝石 -登录您的图书馆的资源看看你能找到什么!


Traci J. Cothran


Traci Cothran是Gale's K12内容团队以及历史B金宝搏彩票uff的主任,因此她常常从20世纪初开始观看视频金宝搏彩票在背景中的大风:世界历史。

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