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而在大学主修历史,我班的一个是一个一对一的教程科学史。在一次会议上我的病人教授能够解释爱因斯坦的狭义相对论,使我能够真正的去了解它换一个明亮的闪光时刻。我几乎能感觉到我的大脑的工作!它过去挺美!遗憾地说,我从来没有再能,夺回那一刻完全一样的方式,尽管后来采取了“物理学的诗人”级,并通过相当的英雄崇拜阶段,其中包括阅读每本书上的爱因斯坦我要能购买或借用。我甚至在我的卧室里挂着他的海报。因为我的历史的重点是第二次世界大战中,我发现爱因斯坦的传记尤其是迷人的,因为他的生活与交织,通过那场战争的影响。在当今爱因斯坦的生日的荣誉,3月14日,笔者近日走访大风的金宝搏彩票Science In Context重新认识到自己与伟大的物理学家。这里仅仅是一些有趣的事实,我发现:

  • 爱因斯坦成为一个和平主义者第一次世界大战的结果,讲学反对战争,早在20世纪20年代。为了应对纳粹主义和希特勒的崛起,他放弃了德国国籍,1933年,并接受在高级研究所在新泽西州普林斯顿,在那里他度过了他的余生预约。View the biography
  • In 1944 Einstein contributed to the war effort by hand writing his 1905 paper on special relativity and putting it up for auction. The manuscript, which raised $6 million, is currently the property of the U.S. Library of Congress.View the biography
  • Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he did not consider himself well suited for the job and thus declined the offer.View the biography
  • Einstein did not wear socks, even “on the most solemn” occasions.查看新闻文章

Next up—I think I’ll read more about a scientist currently receiving lots of popular press, Neil deGrasse Tyson, who was recently featured on the主页Science In Context. Who’s your favorite scientist and what new discovery about him or her will you make by visitingScience In Context?

Megan McCarthy


When Debra, a 30-year veteran of the publishing industry, is not working or reading, she can be found gardening, running, swimming, or pursuing the lifelong learning that is at the tip of her fingers via Gale databases.
