桑代克出版社Staff Recommendation

Posted on October 26, 2015

桑代克出版社不会是领先的大型打印出版商如果不是因为我们的工作人员。我们热爱我们做什么 - 这是提供我们可以为我们的客户和读者最佳的整体体验。此外,在桑代克按我们把“V”的贪婪,当涉及到阅读和爱书!


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By Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly

Literary fiction “tends to focus on complex issues and the beauty of the writing itself,” according to the Writer’s Relief Staff at the Huffington Post (1). This is a great definition, and makes a distinction between literary fiction and mainstream or “popular” fiction, which is driven more by plot and characters than by insight or clever use of language. It seems short sighted to think that literary writing falls only outside of genre fiction, though. There are plenty of literary mysteries, literary science fiction novels, and even literary graphic novels. I’d like to suggest that literary fiction can, in fact, fall into a variety of genres and still hold true to the definition above.


Readers’ Advisory: Banned Books Week, Sept. 27 – Oct 3, 2014

Banned Books Week

By Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly

Banned Books Week celebrates the freedom to read. It began in 1982, when there was a sudden uptick in the number of books being challenged in schools and libraries. An astounding number of challenges happen each year (307 reported in 2013, according to the Office of Intellectual Freedom!), andBanned Books Week是庆祝的公开获取信息(1)的值的方法。它指出,这些挑战307,少数人实际上是被禁止是非常重要的。教师,图书管理员和知情市民的勤奋保证了自由,在大多数情况下阅读。

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Pick and Grin. Subscribe and Smile. Choose and Wallow.

Whatever way you look at it, when you choose a large print subscription to continually update and refresh your collection, you’ll be glad you did. How? Well, we can think of 36 ways. Thorndike Press has36 different plansto suit your patrons’ interests: from African-American titles to Christian Fiction to Gentle Romance to Westerns — and everything in between.

阅读更多Pick and Grin. Subscribe and Smile. Choose and Wallow.

New Read Alikes for Old Classics

large print

By Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly

Remember in high school and college when you were assigned classic fiction reading? Those titles are classics for a reason. They have stood the test of time and are still assigned reading in many classrooms. Some of my personal favorites wereThe Scarlet Letterby Nathaniel Hawthorn,Catcher in the Ryeby J. D. Salinger, andOld Man and the Seaby Ernest Hemingway. I remember thinking that there were such profound ideas in those novels, and soaking up every metaphor and every turn of phrase. As an adult, I am interested in these same profound ideas and great writing, and I think that there are a lot of books published in the last ten years or so that make great read alikes to those classic novels. Let’s start with my favorites.

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Readers Advisory: Books for Tweens

By Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner

“吐温”是儿童和青少年之间的年龄组的地方,大约4日rough 7grade. It is a time of dramatic change: physical, emotional, and mental. These kids have personalities, opinions, talents, and imaginations. They care about things. It is a spectacular age for reading because they have vocabularies and comprehension rates that can handle more intricate storytelling.

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Help Patrons Get Ahead of Movie Releases by Stocking Up on Large Print

Before they were stars…soon-to-be movie blockbuster titles available in large print!


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Outta-This-World Titles for Sci-Fi Fans… in Large Print


Science fiction is often called the “literature of ideas.” It tells the story of humanity with unparalleled imagination and often stimulates powerful insight into the human condition by exploring grand “what if” scenarios.

像书籍1984,Fahrenheit 451,Brave New World动物农场推出科幻广泛地美国观众,并迅速成为一种流行的文学体裁。此后,在科幻小说的兴趣增加极大,为所有年龄段的读者被吸引到使我们能够从舒适的家中探索其他星球的流派。

阅读更多Outta-This-World Titles for Sci-Fi Fans… in Large Print



评为“最佳老西小说出版商”通过True West杂志和收入从美国的西方作家,以及从威尔罗杰斯奖章组织多个标题荣誉套索奖,五星,大风的印记,圣智学习的一部分,是领先的西方文学流派。金宝搏彩票在西方文学和媒体认识到卓越,威尔罗杰斯奖章奖励委员会最近授予了四项冠军,从五星,包括金,银大奖,并True Westmagazine acknowledged a Five Star author and title in its latest “Best of the West” issue.


Our 10 Plus Favorite Book Blogs

Book Blogs for Librarians

By Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner

Book blogs are everywhere. One of the best features of technology is when readers can share with other readers. The love of books is shared by so many people across the web. These websites are great for everything from collection development, new releases, genre favorites and discussions. However, literary types tend to get a bit stuffy. We prefer something less precious and more about the greater landscape of entertainment. Preferably with a bookish touch.

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