跳进数字化学习 - 一个图书馆的故事


Life never stops teaching. Be sure to never stop learning. ~ Michael Josephson

作为我们高中坐在尖端的Google with shiny newChromebook的和窃窃私语谷歌课堂drifting through the hallways, the school library was at that place once again…dig in our heels and resist another district technology implementation or dive in and embrace the challenge!


With cinnamon rolls in tow, I met with the English teachers during theirPLC并提出的简要概述TexQuest资源和已经从想象易做一个在线研讨会介绍了学者版的代表(原名EasyBib删除的高中版)。我知道如果我能得到公正teacher to buy into how these two digital platforms could work together, the paperless research project might actually become more than just a seed of an idea.

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