Library Data Has Never Looked This Good

|By Leigh Ann Cusack, Senior Director of Product, Public & Consortia | Public libraries inspire us at Gale every day, and we have been focused on delivering data-driven ways to help them reach and engage their communities more effectively. So, after months of development and countless hours of conceptualizing, testing, and feedback from public …Read more


|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|饮食的大金宝搏彩票风百科全书,第三版礼物详细,易于阅读的对300多个议题涵盖饮食和营养信息。参赛作品包括特殊和流行的饮食,饮食治疗,营养基础知识和健康有关的问题。饮食条目注重饮食的发展和历史;它的基本原则的;这影响了关键人物...Read more


|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|Our June selections deliver captivating reads of topics proven to be perennial favorites—a conflicted family with damaging secrets, women responding to unimaginable injustice, and a true tale of the emotional and physical battles fought by opposing soldiers. Order today and put these new large print titles within reach of your …Read more


|丽贝卡公园,高级内容开发,大风|金宝搏彩票这很容易理解为什么库是连接空间探索以及他们的夏季阅读计划今年阅读,超越庆祝的尼尔·阿姆斯特朗的在月球上行走50周年。这两个空间探索和阅读让你感觉像字面上任何事情都有可能发生,无论你是......Read more

Accolades for Debut Memoir, Sophomore Success, & Heartwarming Love

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|虽然冬天经常发现爱书人拉拢吞食新鲜标题的堆栈,夏季长天鼓励悠闲读取和新的发现。这个月我们强调冠军,现在在大型印刷版,也都享有的好评和评论。了解更多关于几个是将...Read more


3月3日,伊丽莎白Nitkiewicz是圣查尔斯公共图书馆通过职业在线高中毕业生第一次。该计划是国家认可的,并允许成年人机会获得高中毕业证书的同时获得职业技能。在2017年一月,圣查尔斯公共图书馆开始提供合格的居民有机会获得一...Read more

Entrepreneurship: What’s Really Important

|By Matthew Miskelly | This blog is the second in my four-part series on entrepreneurship. (Actually, that line was supposed to be a joke, but in a few minutes I’ll be halfway there, so who knows?) For my first blog a few months ago, I interviewed two small business owners, Gordie Richard and James …Read more


|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|The Lake County Library System patrons have several scholarships available for adults pursuing their high school diplomas through Career Online High School, a nationally accredited program. In addition to an accredited diploma, students can earn a certificate in one of nine career paths including general career preparation, office management, hospitality and …Read more