Vegan Cooking: Resources for Non-Carnivorous Patrons


Perhaps the world’s most famous vegan, Mahatma Gandhi summed up his views on food tidily with this statement: “Violence begins with a fork.” Veganism is growing steadily around the world, as people discover alternative dietary regimens that align with their values and philosophy. For the 2-3% of the U.S. population that follows a “food without faces” diet, finding food products and cooking resources can be a challenge.

Cooking is the #5 most circulating non-fiction eBook category, according to图书馆杂志的eBook Usage in U.S. Public Libraries, Fifth Annual Survey, 2014.

What resources do you have to support cooks in your community? How about vegan cooks?

Read moreVegan Cooking: Resources for Non-Carnivorous Patrons