
4min read


Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

And that was how I felt when I learned that my title, the女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性和酷儿(LGBTQ)历史的全球百科全书, hadwon the Dartmouth Medal在参考和用户服务协会(RUSA)一书,并于2020年。当然1月26日,美国图书馆协会仲冬会议期间媒体奖,“我”的称号确实是“我们的”冠军集体数以百计的学者从努力全世界,包括与谁保证覆盖将是广泛,包括我们的贡献者人才的尴尬量的八强编委左右。还有一点,大风产品经理杰西卡Bom金宝搏彩票arito和埃莱娜·波特,谁帮助我们保持对奖我们的眼睛,和你有一个联队。

而LGBTQ百科全书是不是在隐喻聚光灯下唯一的大风称号!金宝搏彩票Disability Experiences, a product concept developed by Laurie Malashanko and helmed by Carol Schwartz, earned a Dartmouth Honorable Mention, while the second edition ofInfectious Diseases, captained by Tracie Moy under the guidance of Jessica Bomarito, was recognized as a RUSA Outstanding Reference Source. So would that be “winner, winner,优胜者, chicken dinner”? You know it! Chicken for everyone!

As reference editors, the Dartmouth is the be-all and end-all of our profession, but the reference industry’s top prize is as elusive as it is prestigious. So we can’t be in this business for the hardware. We’re in it because we love learning, working with academics, and telling stories that happen to be true.

而这正是这些标题都是关于:人的故事连接到更大的问题,以帮助我们所有的人了解对方和我们的世界。Disability Experiences, for example, is about the first-person accounts of people’s experiences with disabilities, be they physical, cognitive, or psychological, while many of the entries inInfectious Diseases包括主源部,它提供了现实生活中的窥探到的疾病或医学问题的影响。我的标题是充满挑战谁的异性恋社会里,他们住,有时付出了惨痛的代价为自己的立场活动家的故事。

多样性,包容性和社会正义的主题通过所有三项冠军运行强劲,开始其任务是超越美国边界图表正在发生的事情在每一个大洲的国家。你想知道是什么感觉在印度的一个小镇长大聋子?了解马丹Vasishta 2006年的回忆录,聋人在德里,inDisability Experiences. Want to learn how the fight against HIV/AIDS is progressing in Africa? Check out the “Developing Nations and Drug Delivery” entry inInfectious Diseases. And if you’ve ever wondered why homosexuality is banned while sex-change operations are supported in Iran, then you need to read the entry “Transgendered Subjectivities in Contemporary Iran” in the女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性和酷儿(LGBTQ)历史的全球百科全书. I guarantee you’ll come away with a broader understanding of the world around you.



Meet the Author

Rebecca Parks has been a content developer at Gale since 1997, where she has worked on a variety of projects, including LitFinder and several series devoted to literary criticism. She loves books of all kinds and never gets tired of talking about them with fellow bibliophiles.
