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DIA德穆埃尔托斯,Day of the Dead, is observed in Mexico on 2 November, the final day of a celebration that begins on Halloween. Though practices differ from city to city, the holiday is generally an opportunity to honor deceased loved ones, for whom families prepareofrendas,or altars, which are decorated with candy skulls, marigolds, and incense. As the day proceeds, observance often takes place alongside revelry, with eating, drinking, and costumed dancing in cemeteries and in the streets. With its distinctive practices and macabre, often surreal, imagery, the holiday has been mined by literary authors for its thematic power.

有志于创造一个适当的读者ofrenda可以参考Delia’s Song,墨西哥美国作家墨西哥式Corpi的半自传的第一部小说,在处理当代文学批评418. That work describes the transmission of cultural traditions among Mexican women. As Delia prepares an altar along with her Aunt Marta:

They made the traditional candy skulls and the bread for the dead while Jack [Marta’s huband] made the shelves…. They made thepapel picado切口和迪莉娅胶合它们在每个搁板的端部被安装长棍。此外,还有旁边的圣心勋章肯尼迪和教皇约翰微小的图片;2个刺绣玛塔做了几年前出蒂伯西奥·巴斯克斯和华金穆列塔的头挂在圣女瓜德卢佩的图片的每一侧。玛塔既是民间英雄的崇拜者,他们的功勋和漏洞是她讲故事的剧目的一部分。


According to scholar Carol E. Pearson, “in this description, the detail and the work of the every day is tied together with much of Delia’s heritage—the culture, the tradition and the (his)stories of both her family and her people.”

这个节日成为特里暴风雨威廉姆斯1991年的回忆录个人转变的时机避难所,which is the subject of an entry in当代文学批评362.本书探讨熊河候鸟保护区在犹他州的大盐湖的濒危生态与癌症母亲去世的作者的个人叙事的结合。在后期的故事,试图以应付她的损失,威廉斯写道,她“需要一个仪式,庆祝从死到生感动我。”她去到墨西哥参加亡灵节。在那里,她参观陌生人死者亲属的教堂和共享的回忆。后来,她购买了传统的面具,加入了庆祝活动:


评论家A.James Wohlpart说:“这个仪式,作为一种让威廉姆斯从悲痛中恢复过来的行为,使她能够超越西方文明带给她的世界观,并参与另一种世界观。”从墨西哥回来后,她把母亲最爱的金盏花花瓣带回家;在一次和丈夫的独木舟旅行中,她把它们洒在湖面上作为纪念。

对于许多人来说,死的日子也是豪饮的机会。在这一主题的最严峻的治疗马尔科姆洛瑞的复杂和典故1947年的杰作被发现,根据火山,which is discussed in二十世纪文学批评6, 40, and 275. The novel—set almost entirely on 2 November in Quauhnahuac, Mexico—chronicles the downfall of Geoffrey Firmin, who has lost his job as a British Consul and has been abandoned by his young American wife. Over the course of the narrative, he drinks severely and is finally killed in a case of mistaken identity. Critic Dale Edmonds called the novel “a drinker’s paradise,” noting that “references to drinks, drinking, drinking places, and/or drunkenness occur on 252 of the 377 pages.” His tally of the protagonist’s consumption on the Day of the Dead totaled some sixty-one ounces of 80-90 proof alcohol—a stupefying and seemingly coma-inducing amount. And yet, Edmonds admitted, despite the self-destructiveness of his behavior, “that the Consul’s plunge has its moments of bliss and glory and that drink is the Consul’s mistress, his muse, his God, no matter what dark fate awaits him. Who is to say that on the Day of the Dead he does not realize his destiny through his long day’s drinking?”

也许,罗瑞自己的观察,引用罗纳德·G·沃克(Ronald G.Walker)的文章《历史的‘巴兰卡’:

The Mexicans laugh at death; that does not mean they don’t take it seriously. It is perhaps only by the possession of a tragic sense of life such as theirs that joy and mirth find their place: it is an attitude that testifies to the dignity of man.

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