Do Computers Understand Our Emotions?


Libraries and the Business Community: A Success Story

|最初由EveryLibrary发表|图书馆存在是为了帮助人成功,和商业世界也不例外。许多有抱负的企业主得到他们开始在公共图书馆,通过研究如何写商业计划,在参加的Quickbooks类,或者开发使用图书馆的电子资源营销列表是否。以下 …阅读更多

American Civil Liberties Union Papers “is Like Opening a Time Capsule”


Gale Celebrates National Poetry Month

|由Alja Kooistra |春天来了!和come National Poetry Month and the daffodils: I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils —William Wordsworth (1804) Why spend an entire month to celebrate poetry? In a few …阅读更多

Webinar: The Evolution of the Study of Literature



|By Traci Cothran | The National History Day competition is right up our alley here at Gale—it encourages students to use factual resources (especially primary resources) to create a documentary, performance, paper, website, or exhibit on a historical topic that fits with the overall competition theme. This year’s theme is Conflict and Compromise. I’ve …阅读更多




|By Deb Kirby | The news of astrophysicist Stephen Hawking’s death was met with sadness by our Gale In Context team. It was also a call to action to ensure our topic pages for Hawking were updated quickly. I already knew we had a dedicated team, but an email sent at 1:30 am to …阅读更多