Entertaining Exploration of Lives Turned Upside Down

| By Gale Staff | Life stories, seemingly day-to-day circumstances, and choices made – those issues are often at the core of readers’ favorite stories. How often we’ve all thought “there’s a book here” when we contemplate our own lives. This month we’re highlighting three titles that delve into the stories of individuals who have …Read more

Joy Harjo Becomes the First Native American U.S. Poet Laureate

| By Laura Avery | Multifaceted author, artist, and musician Joy Harjo made history in 2019 when it was announced she would become the first Native American U.S. Poet Laureate. A member of the Muscogee Creek Nation, Harjo is also the first Oklahoman to hold the honor. While studying art in school, she attended readings …Read more

The Link between Empathy and Adversity

| By Andrea Drouillard | “You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.” This quote by J. K. Rowling rings true for me. I firmly believe that true empathy cannot exist without experiencing hardship. Facing adversity head on is a way of life for …Read more

Weed It and Reap!

| By Gale Staff | It’s mid-June and it’s been a rainy spring, which means many things. The tomato seedlings are establishing a healthy root system. Lilac blossoms, intensely fragrant but short-lived, have briefly confetti-ed the lawn and blown away. Swollen peonies are unfurling like sails as we speak. The yard is muddy, dog tracked. …Read more